A Wise Kitchen

Do you have a wise kitchen or an unwise kitchen? I’ve been reflecting a lot on the value of the space around us in our homes. Particularly the kitchen. The kitchen is where so much learning takes place- if it is catered to that purpose. Take a look around your kitchen- what do you see? How do you feel? Does it look inviting? Does it look inspiring? Would you feel comfortable allowing your children to make their own recipes? Would you feel comfortable inviting a neighbor in for a plate of cookies? Do you enjoy spending time in your kitchen?

Or do you hate the look of your kitchen? Does the idea of spending any length of time in your kitchen depress you? Are you afraid for people to come inside your home, because there’s dishes and clutter everywhere? Are all the dangerous utensils in a spot that makes you want to keep your kids away from the kitchen?
As silly as these questions may seem, I think they’re really important. The kitchen can be one of the most inspiring and loving places in the home- if it has the appropriate atmosphere. Think of how much learning can be done in a kitchen- a mother teaching her son to cook a family favorite cookie recipe; a father counseling his daughter about how to handle a problem at school over a glass of fresh orange juice; the hours of conversation that occur between family and friends at the dinner table, in which knowledge and friendships are built. There is a lot of value in having an inviting, warm kitchen in which anyone would feel comfortable, and a kitchen that inspires learning.

So how do you get there, if you don’t feel your kitchen is quite there yet? Start by stepping back, and asking yourself- why do I NOT feel like my kitchen is inviting? Does it need a good cleaning? (And I’m talking about basics- having a couple dishes in the sink does not make your kitchen a DO NOT ENTER zone ;) ). Do you need a few pictures or inspiring quotes on the wall? Do you just need to rearrange things in a way that encourages those who enter to sit and talk for awhile?

In my kitchen, I have a picture of Christ, which is a daily reminder of why I do all I do. I try to keep the counters and table cleared off and clean, so that anyone feels comfortable sitting down for awhile and starting an uplifting conversation. When my kids are older, I plan to have a few snacks on hand at all times so that when I can tell they’ve had a rough day, we can bring out a small snack to share and we can talk about it. Right now, I keep the knives high and everything else low, so my kids can help unload the dishwasher; we keep a small broom in the pantry so they can help sweep, and they are already learning the value of cleaning up after themselves.

Some things I would love to add- I would love to add a few inspiring quotes in my kitchen space. Quotes that make you feel inspired, and that let you know that mistakes are just part of life. I want to get more fresh flowers- because there’s something about a vase of flowers that just makes spaces more friendly. And I want to have my kids in the kitchen more often- it’s more work to have them help me make dinner at this point in their lives, but important nonetheless.

I don’t think enough can be said for a clean, inspiring, inviting kitchen space. Whether it’s your kids, your grandkids, your neighbors- you want all who enter to feel welcome and cozy, and to leave happier than they were when they first arrived. A lot of magic can happen in the kitchen :).
I would love to hear about your kitchens- do you feel that they inspire? Are they inviting? What makes them this way? Or is there something you’d like to add or change up to make your kitchen more of a wise kitchen? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!
- https://www.housebeautiful.com/room-decorating/kitchens/g2203/breakfast-nooks/
- https://hblycp.com/photos/family-kitchen-design-beautiful-home-design-lovely-at-family-kitchen-design-room-design-ideas
- https://www.amara.com/luxpad/kitchen-design-ideas/
- https://www.countryliving.com/home-design/decorating-ideas/g1372/dining-room-decorating-design-ideas/
- https://www.pinterest.com/tennisanya/new-house-ideas/
- https://phucminhgroup.com/6974/family-kitchen-ideas.html/alluring-family-kitchen-ideas-family-kitchen-designs-home-decor-catalogs
Camille Hoffmann
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
Email the author! camille@dvo.com