Incredible Things You Can Make with Cadbury Mini Eggs!
Leftover Cadbury Mini Eggs. Is there even such a thing that exists? I’m just fine eating my eggs plain and straight from the bag, but I guess if for some reason the Easter bunny decided to bring me a few bags instead of just one, I might need to get a little creative (if for no other reason than to share the love! No way I’m putting all those calories on these hips haha ;). Or at least, I shouldn’t ;) ).
Really, what sweet wouldn’t be better without some mini cadbury goodness? Here’s just a few ways you can use up any of those unheard-of “leftover” Cadbury mini eggs ;).
*Think of anything that uses M&M’s, and you can easily substitute with these delicious eggs! Cookies, brownies, puppy chow and milkshakes come to mind, but what about those cute snacks where you stack pretzels, a chocolate kiss or hug, and top it with an M&M? Or in this case, a mini Cadbury egg? Love me some sweet and salty ;).

*Use for any cake and cupcake toppers. It doesn’t get more Easter-y than a pastel colored mini egg, so use them! You could completely cover a cake with them, or simply put them in a ring around the top. Place them in bunches of 3 on your cupcakes or even just put a simple one in the middle. Whatever you do, adding some mini eggs will instantly make your desserts “spring” alive!

*One of the easiest ways to incorporate candies that you need to get rid of is to make chocolate bark! And why not stick with the Cadbury egg theme and use the creme eggs for your base- now that just sounds amazing!! And what a great way to use up that leftover Easter candy!

*There’s a whole variety of ways you can create cute little nests for your Cadbury eggs. Chow mein noodles formed in a nest shape with melted marshmallows, pretzel sticks and melted chocolate, chocolate shavings on top of a frosted cupcake, or rice krispie cups all make adorable and tasty nests for any mini eggs you have lying around ;).

* I’m kind of a sucker for dips… and this Cadbury egg cookie dough dip has my name all over it. I might have the self-discipline required to save a few mini eggs just so I can make this dip! ;)

Or how about this cheesecake dip?? I’ll just have to make both!
How do you like to use your Cadbury mini eggs? Any recipes you’ve been curious to try? I’d love to hear all about it!
Camille Hoffmann
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
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