Natural Remedies To Stop That Coughing!

Last week I was sick with some kind of flu (not the stomach kind- the fevered, can’t move, achey, coughing, congested kind). One of the hardest parts to deal with was the constant coughing! I especially hate that coughing gets worse at night. When you’re sick, sleep is the number one thing you need and it’s hard to fall asleep and stay asleep when you’re hacking up a lung!
Luckily, my cough is gone- but now it’s starting to rotate through all my kids! I have been using Ricola’s Natural Herb cough drops, but I certainly don’t trust my 3 year old to keep that in her mouth without inhaling it during a cough! When I’m up late at night with a sick kid, I always wish I was better prepared, and cough remedies is just one way I am lacking in preparation ;). I know there are a lot of natural remedies, but I can never remember them off the top of my head! Here is a handy list I’m sharing so that you’ve got something to look at next time you (or your little one) is desperate for some relief!
*Honey. This is a great one for kids because they like it! You can give them a teaspoon just by it self, or mix it with herbal tea or warm water for some extra relief! However, be aware that you cannot give honey to children under the age of 1.
*Ginger. I love ginger for tummy aches, and now I know it can help with a cough too! It’s a great tool to help with inflammation, so ingesting ginger can actually help with inflammation in your throat, relaxing the membranes and giving your cough a break! (You might want to avoid this if you’re prone to heartburn though!)
*Steam. If you have a wet cough (or croup), steam can help break down the mucus and everything building up, which helps your cough to subsist. You can turn on a hot shower (and jump in! ;) ), or fill a large bowl with hot water and lean over it with a towel over your head. Humidifiers are another great way to get moisture in the air. (If you decide to use a bowl of hot water or a shower for your little one, be very aware of their temperature to avoid overheating!)
*Marshmallow root. This has proven to be an effective tool to fight coughs- though it might not be something you have lying around! This would be a great alternative if you’re sensitive or allergic to ginger or honey. (This stuff can be hard on your tummy though, so drink plenty of fluids with it!)
*Water! Or other fluids. These can be very soothing on a sore throat, and it can help alleviate some of that coughing! If you’re not a huge water fan, go for some herbal tea, or get your fluids through clear broths and fruit juices.
*Salt water. Gargling salt water is one of the nastiest things ever- but is also extremely effective. It helps to draw mucus out when you have a wet cough, and can also be soothing to a sore throat. My husband swears by this one- he believes it can help prevent illness completely! (Which, to his credit- he’s the only one of all 6 of us that hasn’t gotten sick!) This can be a trickier one with children, so proceed with caution.
*Thyme. Studies have shown that this herb can also be helpful in suppressing coughs (due to its antioxidant nature). Make a soothing thyme tea to keep that cough at bay.
*Pineapple juice. Pineapples (particularly the core) contain an enzyme called bromelain, which can help to break down mucus; it also has anti-inflammatory properties which makes it a great aid to coughing. If you’re not a fan of pineapple alone, there are supplements available you can try instead!
*Onions. I have yet to try this one, but apparently if you have a really strong onion available, you can cut it into quarters, leave it on a plate next to your bed, and that strong odor that makes us cry can also help you stop coughing! It nevers hurts to try- and this would be an easy way to help little ones!
What is your favorite way to treat a cough? Have you tried any of the above solutions? I’d love to hear all about it!
Camille Hoffmann
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
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