Simplify Your December With These Tips!

(Cue the music) “IT’S THE MOOOOOOST, WONDERFUL TIIIIIIIME OF THE YEEEEAAAAR”. Or, the busiest! This can be one of the most magical times, or one of the most overwhelming! Between shopping, planning, partying, crafting, memory-making, donating- there is a lot to fill one’s time! I’ve had Decembers that are pure magic and allow me to feel the spirit of the season- and then I’ve had Decembers that make me feel like I’ve just been thrown out of a tornado!
It goes without saying that one of the biggest culprits of holiday stressing is food! Whether we’re planning our Christmas day menu, baking goodies for neighbors, or just trying to balance day-to-day dinners with our holiday to-do list, food is a big part of the holiday. But it doesn’t have to be the most stressful part! Here are a few ways to simplify the food aspect of this season so you have more energy for everything else!
- Utilize freezer meals! I tend to hang on to my freezer meals longer than I should because I’m always saving them for when I’m “really” busy- well, this is one of those busy seasons, so don’t feel bad digging into those freezer meals! It’s the perfect time to use them so you have more time for holiday baking and memory-making!
- Buy a few “cheat” meals. I don’t always like to spend money on convenience food- but it’s nice to have a few of these kinds of dinners on hand for those particularly crazy nights! Costco has a few great options (like their garlic chicken pasta!) that are perfect for a quick but delicious meal when you’re in a pinch!
- Make cookies ahead of time. Don’t wait to bake those cookies the day of the family party- bake them beforehand and stick them in the freezer! Or simply make the dough and freeze that- then all you have to worry about is the actual baking- which is the least messy part, right? ;)
- Clean the kitchen and stay on top of it! Nothing deters creativity like a messy kitchen! If you haven’t already, donate a couple hours to really getting your kitchen deep-cleaned and in order. You’l, be so grateful you put in the time when it comes time to bake like crazy! Then of course, you have to commit to keeping it clean! Never go to bed with the dishes undone, or you’ll never catch up.
- Potlucks are your friend! I love trying new recipes and making old classics, and sometimes when hosting a dinner or party I feel tempted to make everything on my own! But many times, it’s just not realistic- or it ends up being more stressful than fun! Ask your guests to help bring things- chances are they are more than willing, and it will relieve a lot of stress on you!
- Don’t shy away from paper goods! A beautiful place setting can definitely add something to the ambiance of a family Christmas dinner- but your meal will not be completely ruined if you have to resort to paper plates this year! If it’s one of those crazy years for you, just invest in some festive paper plates and cups, and you’ll save yourself a lot of stress and hassle. There’s a season for everything, and if you’re in the paper goods season, it’s all good!
- Its ok to cut back. Going along with the paper goods- if you have to cut back on some things- that’s ok!! Every year is different. If this year you just don’t have the time or mental energy to bake cookies for 50 neighbors- give yourself permission to let it go this year. If you need to buy frozen dinners, paper goods, store-bought goodies- don’t be too hard on yourself. No one can do it all! Figure out where your values really lie and prioritize accordingly. Put your time and mental energy towards the things that you really enjoy and that really matter to you.
What tips do you have to simplify the food aspect of this holiday season? I’d love to hear your tips below!
Camille Hoffmann
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
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