New Years Do's and Don'ts

It’s always sad when Christmas is over, but I love that we still have fun stuff to look forward to- New Year’s Eve! My husband and I don’t necessarily have any set New Year’s Eve traditions- it’s been different every year! But because of that, we’ve been a part of several different parties and I’ve seen what works really well and what doesn’t!
Have lots of finger foods. Snacking just comes with the party mentality, and since you’ll be up late and mingling, it’s smart to have lots of finger foods and snacks, rather than planning a big meal. Late-night snacking is just hard to avoid, and you’ll be saving yourself time and money by planning a big spread of snacks and appetizers rather than a full-blown meal.
Include the kids. This can look different depending on how you want to do it, but make sure they have a fun night too! If mom and dad are going on a date, leave the babysitter with lots of fun snacks and activities. If you don’t want them up super late, have an early “countdown” and celebrate “midnight” at 9:00 instead of 12:00 ;). Let them join in the games and festivities- however it looks at your house, make sure they’re having a fun time too!
Have a general plan. You don’t need to have every minute planned, but it sure is helpful to have a general idea of what activities you and your guests will want to participate in. Are you playing board games? Party games? Karaoke? Video games? Watching movies? A mix of activities? Have a general plan so your guests know what to plan for!
Kiss your spouse at midnight. Is there any better way to ring in the new year than laying a sweet little kiss on your loved one? Start the year off right ;).
Miss out on the countdown! I have attended a New Year’s party where the host didn’t even acknowledge midnight or the countdown- until after the fact. It was a little bit of a letdown for me personally, because I love counting down and making midnight a big deal!
End the party at midnight. It’s always a little sad when the party has to end right after the midnight countdown. Consider extending the party ‘til at least 1 so you can party hard even after the stroke of midnight!
Drink and drive. Just don’t. Driving home 30+ miles to get home after our New Year’s festivities, it’s always a little stressful knowing there are probably people out driving that shouldn’t be. The potential consequences are just not worth it- so don’t!
Stress about decorations. It’s always fun when you have a cute spread and fun decorations- but it’s absolutely not necessary to have a good party! Tasty food is a bigger deal for most people ;).
Feel pressured to conform to a certain ideal. Every party is going to look a little different, so don’t feel bad if you feel like your party isn’t what “the ideal” should be! You are going to know your guests and family better than anyone, so plan accordingly!
I’d love to hear about your New Year’s Eve traditions. Any do’s or don’ts you’d add to this list?
Camille Hoffmann
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
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