I’m referring to the single- or two-tiered plastic or stainless steel turntable (aka lazy susan). Whoever invented these jewels should get the Noble Prize for Ingenuity!

I use them in my cupboards to separate my herbs from my spices. Just a quick spin and I can find whatever I’m looking for. This item is also perfect to group and store categories of cooking items (legumes and grains in glass jars on one, seeds in glass jars on another, and so on).

And along the same lines as cupboard organization is pantry organization. These turntables are an excellent way to manage minimum space in an efficient way.

I use them in my refrigerator for the same purpose—grouping and storing like items together (condiments on one, salad dressings on another, etc.). The photo shows a “before and after” of the same fridge—the 2-tiered turntable creates smart organization!
I love how they increase accessibility of things instantaneously. I love how they use vertical space. I love how pretty they look when nicely organized (herbs and spices sitting in alphabetical order, for instance). And I love how affordable they are.

I use one on a shelf in a linen closet near our bathroom to store medications (we have no children in our home; but the idea would apply to wherever you want to store your medicines). And I use them in the bathroom cupboard to store and organize the cotton balls, cotton-tipped swabs, Epsom salts, container of nail clippers, and so on.
I use them in my teeny tiny home office to store and organize supplies. The stainless steel turntable is an especially nice compliment to the chrome lamp it sits next to.

I use single-tiered turntables under my kitchen sink and in my craft cupboard. They’re perfect for housing and keeping organized all the products and paraphernalia that go with cleaning and crafting. I use them in my laundry room cupboard to store and organize my dryer sheets, laundry spray starch, spot remover, etc.
If you like the idea of organizing with turntables, you might visit the site One Crazy House ( /15-clever-ways-organize-lazy-susan/) for even more ideas on how to use these remarkable organizers.
In closing, I’ll finish my gushing with one last idea: These make terrific gifts. Who couldn’t use a little ready-made organization in their life? Meanwhile, why not take a look at your spaces and see how this handy accessory can help you with your organizing and space management?
Alice Osborne
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2006
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