The BEST Time To Take Vitamins and Supplements To Maximize Their Effects

I recently wrote about the importance of taking certain vitamins, especially during this time of year. Whether we’re struggling with seasonal depression, anxiety, or other mental (or physical) health issues, or whether you’re just trying to give your body the stuff that it needs, taking vitamins/supplements can make a world of difference!
However, is it really just best to chug all your vitamins at once? Especially when you’re taking more than one, is it really wise to take everything at the same time? Does it matter if you take vitamins in the morning or evening? I decided to do some research, and here’s what I found:
Different vitamins and supplements are doing various things in your body, and they are all absorbed differently, making them more effective at certain times of the day or with certain foods- so taking them at certain times of the day can actually make a difference!
First thing in the morning- take your B vitamins! These are stress-reducing, and energy-boosting, so definitely an ideal way to start your day! (This also means that taking them right before bed could cause a more restless night!). They’re also water-soluble, meaning they are best absorbed on an empty stomach, so taking these first thing in the morning is definitely the ideal way to start the day. This also includes Vitamin C, folic acid, and any other water-soluble supplements you’re taking.
Lunchtime is ideal for prenatals, if you’re taking one (or other multivitamins). They will also be best absorbed on an empty stomach, especially since many contain iron, which your body really can’t absorb with dairy. However, these can be rough on your tummy first thing in the morning, so taking one right before lunch is a great way to make sure your body is absorbing all the nutrition without getting sick! However, if even this is too rough, taking them right before bed is ok- the important thing is to be taking them daily!
Mineral supplements, such as iron, calcium or magnesium, are best taken with food, so dinner is a great time to add these! However, keep in mind that iron will not be absorbed as fully when eaten with dairy, so eat this with a dairy-free meal, wherever you incorporate it.
With some supplements and vitamins, you might need to experiment to see what works best for you; for example, Vitamin D is best taken with a meal, but for many it doesn’t matter whether it is in the morning or in the evening. However, some people noted that they have a harder time sleeping when they take Vitamin D in the evening. So ultimately, it’s important to listen to your own body, as well as what research has shown. It’s also a good idea to research any specific vitamins or mineral supplements you may be taking to create the most effective schedule.
You should always talk to a doctor before beginning a new supplement, especially if you have other health problems, medications, or circumstances that could be affected by taking extra vitamins. And keep in mind, that nothing can replace a well-balanced diet- so be sure to eat well, whether you take supplements or not!
Camille Hoffmann
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
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