GOOD News for Grimy Glass Bakeware!
Several weeks ago I was reading a post on, regarding how to take care of our Pyrex and other oven-safe glass bakeware. Jillee’s opening two sentences captured my attention immediately: “Tired of that baked-on grease on your glass cookware? These effective methods leave Pyrex sparkling!”

YES, I was tired of that. So I read on to find out just how to effectively deal with this irritation. Here’s her good news for grimy glass bakeware:
Even though Pyrex is incredibly durable, it isn’t immune to messes, scratches, and other imperfections! (We all know this, right?) But thank goodness there are several methods we can use to erase stubborn stains and messes from Pyrex and other glass cookware and bakeware. Jillee assures us that “No matter whether you’re cleaning a vintage baking dish, a new pie plate, a casserole dish, or even a measuring cup, these tips will help you eliminate grime and restore its original clarity and shine!”
Her first tip: SCRUB WITH BAR KEEPERS FRIEND (BKF). No big surprise here. This product has been around a long time, and for good reason. This cleaner makes short work of scuff marks on glass dishes and other surfaces, and she says she’s had great success using it to remove scratches from her ceramic plates and porcelain sink.

BKF works so well in part because of how acidic it is, so be sure to wear cleaning gloves when working with it. Once you’re all gloved-up, sprinkle BKF into your Pyrex dish, then use a wet sponge and some elbow grease to give it a good scrub.
Depending on how severe the marks are, you may want to let it sit for a minute or two before rinsing. After scrubbing and rinsing it thoroughly, wash it with hot soapy water to remove any remaining cleaner residue. I’ve used Bar Keepers Friend and like it. How about you?

Jillee’s next suggestion is to PAIR UP DAWN DISH SOAP WITH A MAGIC ERASER. If it’s baked-on grease that’s marring your glass bakeware, a magic eraser is the tool to use! These foam sponges act like super-fine sandpaper, making it easy to scour through the toughest messes.
They need to be wet in order to work properly, and for extra KA-POW!, add a drop or two of Dawn dish soap in addition to warm water. Between the grease-cutting action of Dawn and the abrasiveness of the Magic Eraser, even the crustiest clinging grease won’t stand a chance against this duo!
And a nice by-the-way that Jillee shared was to look for the kitchen-specific variety of Magic Erasers in stores or online. They come preloaded with Dawn dish soap, so all you have to do is dampen one and start scrubbing! (Good to know.)

Another great tip: SOAK GLASS BAKEWARE IN HOT WATER WITH A DISHWASHER DETERGENT TABLET (the solid ones made of compressed powder, not the liquid-filled pacs). Wearing cleaning gloves, dampen the tablet with a bit of water, then use the tablet and a bit of elbow grease to scrub at the mess. The cleaning ingredients in the detergent and the scouring effect of the gritty powder will remove the mess in no time.

But if all the above fail, then you can always call out the big guns, SPRAY ON OVEN CLEANER. She says it’s not her first choice (and not yours, either, I bet) but many Pyrex devotees swear by it for removing really stubborn grime from their glass baking dishes. And the principle is a sound one, considering that oven cleaner is formulated to break up the stubborn grease stains that cling to the sides and floor of a dirty oven.
Be sure to wear gloves, and even consider taking this job outside or into your garage (as a safe way to deal with its toxic fumes). Spray a bit of oven cleaner onto all the baked-on grease, then let the dish sit for about 30 seconds. Wipe the area with a paper towel and the grime should lift right off. Finish the job by washing your bakeware thoroughly with hot soapy water.

She admits there are several other ways to deal with baked-on grease and scuffs (from using a dryer sheet to soaking stains with white vinegar to scrubbing with baking soda). But from her experience, these four ideas are the most effective.
Jillee concludes by saying that of all the suggestions, her preferred method is using the Magic Eraser with the Dawn detergent. And for vintage pieces she says Bar Keepers Friend is likely the safest approach. How about you? How do you keep your glass bakeware sparkling?

YES, I was tired of that. So I read on to find out just how to effectively deal with this irritation. Here’s her good news for grimy glass bakeware:
Even though Pyrex is incredibly durable, it isn’t immune to messes, scratches, and other imperfections! (We all know this, right?) But thank goodness there are several methods we can use to erase stubborn stains and messes from Pyrex and other glass cookware and bakeware. Jillee assures us that “No matter whether you’re cleaning a vintage baking dish, a new pie plate, a casserole dish, or even a measuring cup, these tips will help you eliminate grime and restore its original clarity and shine!”
Her first tip: SCRUB WITH BAR KEEPERS FRIEND (BKF). No big surprise here. This product has been around a long time, and for good reason. This cleaner makes short work of scuff marks on glass dishes and other surfaces, and she says she’s had great success using it to remove scratches from her ceramic plates and porcelain sink.

BKF works so well in part because of how acidic it is, so be sure to wear cleaning gloves when working with it. Once you’re all gloved-up, sprinkle BKF into your Pyrex dish, then use a wet sponge and some elbow grease to give it a good scrub.
Depending on how severe the marks are, you may want to let it sit for a minute or two before rinsing. After scrubbing and rinsing it thoroughly, wash it with hot soapy water to remove any remaining cleaner residue. I’ve used Bar Keepers Friend and like it. How about you?

Jillee’s next suggestion is to PAIR UP DAWN DISH SOAP WITH A MAGIC ERASER. If it’s baked-on grease that’s marring your glass bakeware, a magic eraser is the tool to use! These foam sponges act like super-fine sandpaper, making it easy to scour through the toughest messes.
They need to be wet in order to work properly, and for extra KA-POW!, add a drop or two of Dawn dish soap in addition to warm water. Between the grease-cutting action of Dawn and the abrasiveness of the Magic Eraser, even the crustiest clinging grease won’t stand a chance against this duo!
And a nice by-the-way that Jillee shared was to look for the kitchen-specific variety of Magic Erasers in stores or online. They come preloaded with Dawn dish soap, so all you have to do is dampen one and start scrubbing! (Good to know.)

Another great tip: SOAK GLASS BAKEWARE IN HOT WATER WITH A DISHWASHER DETERGENT TABLET (the solid ones made of compressed powder, not the liquid-filled pacs). Wearing cleaning gloves, dampen the tablet with a bit of water, then use the tablet and a bit of elbow grease to scrub at the mess. The cleaning ingredients in the detergent and the scouring effect of the gritty powder will remove the mess in no time.

But if all the above fail, then you can always call out the big guns, SPRAY ON OVEN CLEANER. She says it’s not her first choice (and not yours, either, I bet) but many Pyrex devotees swear by it for removing really stubborn grime from their glass baking dishes. And the principle is a sound one, considering that oven cleaner is formulated to break up the stubborn grease stains that cling to the sides and floor of a dirty oven.
Be sure to wear gloves, and even consider taking this job outside or into your garage (as a safe way to deal with its toxic fumes). Spray a bit of oven cleaner onto all the baked-on grease, then let the dish sit for about 30 seconds. Wipe the area with a paper towel and the grime should lift right off. Finish the job by washing your bakeware thoroughly with hot soapy water.

She admits there are several other ways to deal with baked-on grease and scuffs (from using a dryer sheet to soaking stains with white vinegar to scrubbing with baking soda). But from her experience, these four ideas are the most effective.
Jillee concludes by saying that of all the suggestions, her preferred method is using the Magic Eraser with the Dawn detergent. And for vintage pieces she says Bar Keepers Friend is likely the safest approach. How about you? How do you keep your glass bakeware sparkling?
Alice Osborne
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2006
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