Freaky Food Facts for This Freaky Festive Friday!

Halloween is about all things spooky, weird and freaky- so how about some weird, freaky food facts to get our Halloween weekend started?
Shellac, which is what gives jellybeans and store bought apples their pretty shine, is made from bug excrement!
Gelatin is made from animal skin and bones!
Honey is formed from nectar- and bee vomit! They actually swallow and throw it back up several times before storing it in the honeycomb.
The average jar of peanut butter can contain 4 or more rodent hairs. That. is. NASTY. This is according to FDA regulations. Also, berries can contain up to 4 larvae per 100 grams. Makes you think twice about really scrubbing those berries!
Shredded cheese contains cellulose, otherwise known as wood pulp!
Farm-raised salmon is not naturally pink. Wild salmon gets its pink color from the shrimp they eat, but farm-raised salmon have a different diet, which results in a gray-colored fish, which is definitely not as appetizing. Farmers will add red pigmentation to the salmon feed to help the fish get that pretty, pink color.
No one actually knows what SPAM stands for. There are a lot of guesses, like Salt, Pork, and Ham, Specially Processed American Meat, or SPiced hAM, but even the company that produces it, Hormel, isn’t sure what SPAM actually stands for.
Arachibutyrophobia is the real fear of getting peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth and choking to death.
Raw lima beans contain large amounts of cyanide. However, they aren’t deadly once thoroughly cooked.
Mageirocophobia is the fear of cooking, and I think I’m more afraid of having that condition than the actual condition!
In China, bird saliva from the swiftlet’s nest is a delicacy!
Castoreum is often used in substitute vanilla flavorings- and it comes from a beaver’s anal gland! (How did someone figure this out? How??)
Eating too many carrots can actually make your skin turn orange! (I’m sure I’m not the only one who remembers that Magic School Bus episode?) This is thanks to the beta carotene found in them! Though, it does have to be a lot of carrots.
McDonald’s burgers don’t rot. They are super dehydrated, kind of like beef jerky, so they don’t grow mold due to the lack of moisture.
The number of hot dogs eaten on the 4th of July in America stretch from Washington D.C. to Los Angeles over 5 times!!
Our DNA is 60% the same as a banana’s. I knew I liked bananas ;)
One month of eating fast food has so much saturated fats that it affects your liver the same way that hepatitis does! That’s definitely some motivation to eat better!
A study showed that hot chocolate tastes better out of an orange cup! It’s science ;)
Do you have any other freaky facts to add? Hopefully this article didn’t scare you too much ;)
Camille Hoffmann
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
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