5 Little Changes You Can Make This Year That Can Make All The Difference

The beginning of a new year often brings a desire to make goals, to change, to become just a little bit better than we were before. But sometimes it can feel overwhelming- we don’t even know where to start! But if you create just the right habit, it can snowball into tons of changes! One good habit often leads to another. And sometimes you just need to put in a little effort to change one habit, and when you see and feel the results you’ll feel motivated to make more changes. So here is a list of 5 small things you can do that can lead to big results!
- Drink more water. Invest in a bigger water bottle, set reminders, do what you need to make sure you’re getting plenty of water throughout the day. It has so many benefits for your physical and mental health! You might find that you have more mental clarity and energy to pursue another goal!
- Get up a little earlier. Maybe you don’t like the idea of getting up at 5. But just waking up 15 minutes earlier can make a huge difference! You’ll be proactively starting your day, which can help you to be more proactive in everything else! It also gives you just a little extra time for achieving another goal, like reading a book or getting a workout in. I never regret the times I wake up earlier.
- Speaking of workouts- exercise is HUGELY beneficial. The idea of a total workout can seem like a lot, but did you know that just walking can do a ton for your physical health, and is actually great for your mental health as well? Make a goal to walk just 20 minutes a day, gradually increasing to 45 minutes or an hour.. If that’s all you’re able to do, there are still a ton of benefits! And if you find that you’re motivated to start trying more workouts, more power to ya!
- Keep a gratitude journal. If you write down 3 things you are grateful for every day, you can actually rewire your brain. You’ll begin to start noticing all the positive things in your life. You’ll become a happier and more grateful person. And all it takes is a couple minutes every night!
- Make a goal to tidy for just 10 minutes at the beginning of every day. Our minds can function much better with less clutter, and again, it’s all about making proactive choices! Just spending 10 minutes cleaning things up can give us the energy and gumption to keep going with our productive day!
None of these are super intense or big goals, but they are all super impactful! Just implementing one of these new habits could make a world of difference in your life!
What goals do you have for the new year? I’d love to hear them in the comments below!
Camille Hoffmann
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
Email the author! camille@dvo.com
- https://www.communicatingpsychologicalscience.com/blog/my-pathway-of-figuring-out-my-career-goals