20 Minutes ‘Til A Paradigm Shift

I shared a few months ago that my family felt prompted to sell our home and move to North Carolina. Well, things have changed a little- we’re still heading to North Carolina, but we are taking a couple years to travel first! I have become one of those crazy mamas that homeschools and is taking my kids to see all the National Parks in a trailer- and while I never would have thought this is what my life would look like in my 30’s- I wouldn’t have it any other way!
We’ve been in West Yellowstone for a week, and it’s been an adventure to say the least! My kids have spent so much time outside, hunting for grasshoppers and squirrels, riding their bikes, and running through the field. We visited Old Faithful, did an almost 10 mile hike and went around the North and South Rim of Yellowstone Canyon and saw all the beautiful waterfalls. We’ve been without power, we’ve had a couple bumps- and yet this week was one of the most rewarding we’ve had as a family. I’ve loved how much time we’ve spent together, and I’m looking forward to the family culture we’re building.
We just felt like this was the next right step for us. Because my husband works remotely and I homeschool, being in between homes just seemed like the perfect opportunity to see so much of the United States. We love hiking and being in nature, and seeing as many National Parks as we can seems like an appropriate goal! I’m truly so excited to see what the coming months will bring as we see so many beautiful things, and spend time creating better habits and becoming a closer-knit family before heading off to NC!
The first night though, was quite emotional. We had just said goodbye to family after spending all summer with them (both sides! Our parents only live a couple blocks from each other!). We had spent several hours driving, and by the time we actually arrived at our campsite and got it scouted out and our camper set up and leveled, it was almost dark. My sweet mother had made up a batch of biscuits and gravy that she sent with us so I’d have an easy, filling meal for the trailer. However, upon arrival we realized our propane was empty, which meant I couldn’t bake biscuits, and the microwave would take too much power to use after dark. I was in tears because I had no idea what to feed my family.
Isn’t it silly how different things look before and after a meal?
I scrounged through the meager pantry and the food I had leftover from the fridge from living with my in-laws (we hadn’t gone grocery shopping yet to save the weight while we travel). I was able to pull a salad together- with bagged lettuce, shredded cheese, almonds, and crushed up Sea Salt Popcorners, topped off with some lite ranch. Totally gourmet, right? I also had one layer of pineapple cake and one layer of cookie butter cake left over from my sister’s wedding, along with the frosting, so we did cake trifles in bowls. So our first meal in the trailer for our adventure was a very random salad and cake trifle. And you know what? It was great! As we were eating, the kids started talking and laughing and I could feel my blood sugars normalizing and I realized things weren’t as bleak as I was picturing 20 minutes beforehand. It’s amazing what a perspective change can happen in just 20 minutes- with the help of some good food!
We’ve since figured things out and have plenty to eat, but I don’t think any of us will forget that first meal!
Have you ever seen the power of a good meal? With a perspective change or otherwise? I’d love to hear your experiences in the comments below!
Camille Hoffmann
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
Email the author! camille@dvo.com