7 Reasons Why You Should Use Grocery Pickup

I remember when grocery pick-up first became a thing- I was intrigued, but didn’t know if it was really something I would use.
Well fast forward a few years, and it’s the ONLY thing I use! It has been such a blessing for me personally, and I don’t think I’ll ever want to go back! I make my meal plan and shopping list using Cook'n. And, I have my regular grocery order time and it makes life so easy!
- I don’t have to take 6 children into the grocery store. This is probably my biggest reason for using grocery pick-up. It’s no picnic taking everyone into a store by myself, and with all the scary stories out there regarding human trafficking, I would rather keep my kids home while I shop! It keeps them safe, and keeps me sane! I don’t have anyone asking for every single thing they see as we walk down the aisles ;). As a plus, it also makes it a special date when I do take someone to the grocery store with me. It’s seen as a special privilege and I can definitely manage one or two kids on my own!
- It saves my hip. When I am pregnant, I have severe hip pain- to the point where it literally gets stuck and I can’t move without having excruciating pain. I am very limited in my movement. Being able to order groceries online and not have to walk all around the store has been a life-saver! I would imagine anyone with health issues would appreciate this service! Especially with the cold winter months coming up!
- I can see options I might not see otherwise. If I’m searching for a specific item, like unicorn food, I can see all the unicorn food on my screen instead of having to walk up and down the aisles. It’s much more efficient to find things! Because generally unicorn mac n’ cheese is not right next to the unicorn cookies ;).
- I totally save money. If I go inside a store, chances are I’m going to grab an extra snack or two, or I’ll browse the baby clothes or kid’s shoes- and before I know it I’ve spent more than I wanted or needed to. When I pick up the groceries, I can’t just grab things on a whim because I’ve usually ordered it the night before! I absolutely save money by using grocery pick-up.
- Along those same lines, it’s actually healthier for me as well. I can order the foods I know are good for me, and not be tempted by the candy bars and snacks by the checkout. I can’t eat what I don’t bring home! I’m forced to stay to my meal plan!
- Walmart really does a great job with substitutions, so I’m not usually too worried about not getting what I order. I’ve done pickup from a couple other stores, and hands down Walmart does the superior job with substitutions. If they run out of something I’ve ordered, they will grab two of a smaller size, one of a larger size, or something else that is as close to the item as possible. They don’t charge you any extra, and they always give you the option to put the item back if you decide you don’t want the substitution (because sometimes there’s just nothing that can sub a particular item- like Ben and Jerry’s Milk and Cookies ice cream!) They try to make it right in any way they can, and I appreciate that!
- It’s so much faster. Because I have used grocery pickup so often, I can actually go to the app or website and click on “Reorder My Items” and it will show me a list of the items I order most frequently. So instead of having to type in and find yet again the specific brand of almond milk I want to use, it pops right up and I can easily add it to my cart! I can usually do my grocery shopping in just a few minutes, with a few clicks of a button. For this homeschooling mama of 6, time is definitely a valuable commodity and I appreciate any time I can save!
I’m totally a fan of grocery pick-up. It’s a money and time saver, keeps me on my meal plan and budget, and helps me keep my sanity!
Do you use grocery pick-up? If not, what qualms or questions do you have? Share with us in the comments below!
Camille Hoffmann
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
Email the author! camille@dvo.com