Welcome Baby, Goodbye Cook’n!

This has been a particularly sacred Christmas season for our little family, due to the arrival of this special little person on December 1:

Our little Bridger has been the sweetest, perfect little addition to our family. He is ADORED by his siblings. And something about cuddling a newborn next to the Christmas tree really helps you reflect on our Savior and His humble birth.

Basically, it’s been magical.

We have always been blessed with each little one. It’s not necessarily easy to have a large family in the world we live in today- but it is absolutely worth it. There is so much joy that comes from each little one, and while life can be a little crazy sometimes, my husband and I wouldn’t change a thing. We love our large little family!

Being a homeschoolin’ mama of many children definitely requires some sacrifices, and I am constantly having to reflect on how I spend my time and where my priorities lie. This summer I started sensing that it might be time to say goodbye, and with the arrival of baby number 7 and my oldest turning 12 this month, I’ve realized it’s time to shift some things around. And unfortunately one of the things I’m going to have to take off my plate is saying goodbye to the amazing opportunity I have had to write for this newsletter!

I started writing for DVO 10 years ago, and it’s been the biggest blessing for our family! It’s provided a little extra income that has paid for Christmas and other splurges while allowing me to stay home with my little ones. I loved being a special education teacher in the early years of my marriage and I have loved writing for this newsletter, but my favorite job will always be a homemaker and mama. It’s the most important job I could ever have, and it’s time for me to devote more of my time to that sacred calling. Through cooking for my growing family and researching for multiple articles a week over the last 10 years I have learned A TON. I was only 24 when I started writing for DVO, and I had 2 small children.

This picture of my oldest was taken during the first couple months of my writing- and now he’s 12! Luckily, we both have learned a lot more about cooking in the last 10 years ;). I’ve gathered new tasty recipes, learned better cooking techniques, accumulated so many cute food ideas, learned about the health of various foods, and been blessed to rub shoulders with so many good people! I have enjoyed reading your comments and learning from you through the years. Cook’n truly has been such a blessing in my life, and one I will always be so grateful for!

Thanks for being so supportive over the years and for helping me to bless my family. Whatever changes this new year is bringing for your family, I hope that 2024 is all you hope it to be!

    Camille Hoffmann
    Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
    Email the author! camille@dvo.com

  •   https://www.dreamstime.com/photos-images/eating-sandwich-santa.html

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