A Delicious Snack that Even Protects Health!
One month into the new year and many folks are already fizzling out on their resolution to eat better and improve their health. Snack attacks are just too easy to succumb to. But take heart, here’s a snack suggestion that’s easy to swallow, quick to fix, and will even protect your heath!

It’s all about including dates, apples and cinnamon in your weekly snacking repertoire. There are some excellent reasons why you want to seriously consider this idea:
DATES: The intestinal tract builds up mucus due to low hydrochloric acid and bile production, and that can slow down absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream. Dates expel and eliminate mucus, especially that produced by pathogens such as bacteria and fungus, from the colon. The sugars in dates feed the liver; they’re a great source of glucose for recovery and restoration that allows the liver to maximize its over 2,000 chemical functions.

APPLES: Provide living water to support the liver’s hydration capabilities, so it can store the water and then release it back into the bloodstream when 285 dehydration or dirty blood syndrome occurs. The fruit acids in apples help cleanse the liver by dispersing toxic films that build up inside its storage banks. Great for dissolving gallstones. In a nutshell, apples starve out bacteria, yeast, mold, other funguses, and viruses from the intestinal tract and liver.
CINNAMON (Ceylon, NOT Cassia): Cinnamon is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Research shows it improves some key risk factors for heart disease, including cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure. Studies also show it significantly increases sensitivity to the hormone insulin, which helps improve blood sugar control.

Cinnamon has been shown, as well, to reduce fasting blood sugar levels when used in doses ranging from 1–6 g or 0.5–2 teaspoons per day. And cinnamon has been shown to lead to various improvements for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s studies indicate that cinnamon may have protective effects against cancer. Also, research shows cinnamon has protective effects against several cancers. Then there is its powerful compound, cinnamaldehyde, which has antifungal and antibacterial properties, shown to reduce infections, tooth decay, and bad breath. Finally, current research is showing cinnamon protects against certain viruses.

One last thought on cinnamon: Not all cinnamon is created equal. As mentioned above, when selecting this lovely spice, you want Ceylon and NOT Cassia. Though Cassia cinnamon is more affordable and more widely available, it’s also higher in coumarin, which can be harmful in large amounts. Ceylon, known as “true” cinnamon and has much better flavor, is the best alternative. While Ceylon cinnamon is always available at kitchen specialty stores and online retailers, it’s showing up more and more in our local grocery stores. Note: if the cinnamon is from Ceylon, the label will say so.
I’ll close with the afore-mentioned, simple, and simply delicious little recipe for one of the healthiest snacks you could eat. It’s made from all the above-mentioned health-protectors. Here’s to better eating and improved health in 2023!

1 apple
1/2 teaspoon Ceylon cinnamon
8 Medjool dates
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It’s all about including dates, apples and cinnamon in your weekly snacking repertoire. There are some excellent reasons why you want to seriously consider this idea:
DATES: The intestinal tract builds up mucus due to low hydrochloric acid and bile production, and that can slow down absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream. Dates expel and eliminate mucus, especially that produced by pathogens such as bacteria and fungus, from the colon. The sugars in dates feed the liver; they’re a great source of glucose for recovery and restoration that allows the liver to maximize its over 2,000 chemical functions.

APPLES: Provide living water to support the liver’s hydration capabilities, so it can store the water and then release it back into the bloodstream when 285 dehydration or dirty blood syndrome occurs. The fruit acids in apples help cleanse the liver by dispersing toxic films that build up inside its storage banks. Great for dissolving gallstones. In a nutshell, apples starve out bacteria, yeast, mold, other funguses, and viruses from the intestinal tract and liver.
CINNAMON (Ceylon, NOT Cassia): Cinnamon is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Research shows it improves some key risk factors for heart disease, including cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure. Studies also show it significantly increases sensitivity to the hormone insulin, which helps improve blood sugar control.

Cinnamon has been shown, as well, to reduce fasting blood sugar levels when used in doses ranging from 1–6 g or 0.5–2 teaspoons per day. And cinnamon has been shown to lead to various improvements for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s studies indicate that cinnamon may have protective effects against cancer. Also, research shows cinnamon has protective effects against several cancers. Then there is its powerful compound, cinnamaldehyde, which has antifungal and antibacterial properties, shown to reduce infections, tooth decay, and bad breath. Finally, current research is showing cinnamon protects against certain viruses.

One last thought on cinnamon: Not all cinnamon is created equal. As mentioned above, when selecting this lovely spice, you want Ceylon and NOT Cassia. Though Cassia cinnamon is more affordable and more widely available, it’s also higher in coumarin, which can be harmful in large amounts. Ceylon, known as “true” cinnamon and has much better flavor, is the best alternative. While Ceylon cinnamon is always available at kitchen specialty stores and online retailers, it’s showing up more and more in our local grocery stores. Note: if the cinnamon is from Ceylon, the label will say so.
I’ll close with the afore-mentioned, simple, and simply delicious little recipe for one of the healthiest snacks you could eat. It’s made from all the above-mentioned health-protectors. Here’s to better eating and improved health in 2023!

Apple-Cinnamon Stuffed Dates
Yield: 4 servngs
1 apple
1/2 teaspoon Ceylon cinnamon
8 Medjool dates
Core and remove seeds from apple. Then apple so you have at least 8 slices. Lay slices flat; sprinkle with cinnamon. Make incision on one side of date; remove pit. Open date; insert cinnamon apple wedge. Repeat with remaining dates.
Recipe formatted with the Cook'n Recipe Software from DVO Enterprises.
Alice Osborne
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2006
Email the author! alice@dvo.com