Death Valley and The Kindness of a Stranger

My family is currently staying outside of Death Valley National Park. It’s the first park we’ve visited as a family that is new to ALL of us! It’s definitely a desert- and yet there is still so much beauty to behold. I would totally include some pictures, but our internet/wifi has been so spotty out here! I’ll have to include some pics in another article ;).
On one of our little excursions, we decided to visit Darwin Falls. Even in the desert, you can find water! And our kids love it, so we thought this little hike definitely needed to be on our itinerary. It’s a bit of a drive from where we’re currently staying, but we’re used to long road trips and we had a stellar audiobook to keep our kids’ attention so we made the drive.
The hike itself was simple, yet beautiful. You basically get to hike up a tiny stream until you ultimately hit the waterfall. There is even a little rock scramble with a rope, which was just tiny enough that my kids could all do it, but big enough that they felt super cool afterwards! They loved seeing the birds, jumping across the stream, and “fishing” with sticks.
As happens quite frequently, our hike took a little longer than anticipated with all the playing going on. By the time we got back to the car it was practically dark. I had a few snacks to keep the hangriness away, but we were still a couple hours away from home. We had passed a quaint little rest stop on our way, and as we drove past it again, my husband noticed a restaurant and suggested we stop and try it out. I knew with it being a restaurant in the middle of a National Park, it would not be cheap. And they probably weren’t used to a family as big as ours! 6 kids can be a lot to take in…. maybe not in Utah, but everywhere else we go, we stick out just a little bit ;).
I’ll be honest. I was super nervous to go in. We were just getting over illnesses and I wasn’t really wanting to expose ourselves to more. But even more so, I was worried about the impression we might make. My kids have had a lot of extra energy lately (this time of year is rough for little ones!), and I didn’t want to go in and make a huge scene with a bunch of crazy kiddos. I didn’t know how we’d be welcomed (if at all!), and my anxiety was really starting to take over. I was picturing the worst- but my husband reassured me that it would all be fine (he has to keep me from spiraling sometimes ;) ), and we all went in.
I’m SO glad we did. What a neat experience! We were the only family with kids there- everyone else was just a couple- so we definitely stuck out. But our kids did so well! They sat quietly, talked together, laughed, and we split several different meals so we could try a variety of dishes.
The fried green beans were my favorite. Perfectly crispy and yet soft inside and flavorful! We also had Rib Eye, hamburgers, hot dogs, pretzel knots, roasted potatoes, and chicken tenders. Everything was fabulous. And it was such a fun night with our kids. They loved getting the opportunity to eat somewhere special, and food is always so appreciated after a hike, isn’t it? Our waiter was so helpful (asking if we wanted any of the meals cut in half- which we did!), offering plenty of water and silverware, and was so great with our kids! All around it was a very pleasant evening.
And then the icing on the cake. As the waiter brought over our check, he said that another couple had appreciated the way we parent our children, and had given $40 to put towards our check. I don’t know what aspect of our parenting they appreciated specifically, but that sweet gesture sure meant a lot to this stressed out mama of 6! I love my children, and I wouldn’t trade them for anything- but I definitely struggle with wondering if I’m doing a good parenting job, if my children are sweet and kind and gracious or obnoxious and loud and rude.
I don’t know which couple complimented us in such a way, but the gesture meant so much more than the money itself. We were super grateful for the monetary help (it was not a cheap restaurant!), but even more, I was so grateful that someone took the time to give us a thumbs up, to let us know that something we’re doing is working. Which is what every mama (and father!) needs to hear when they’re in the thick of things. It was exactly what I needed after my debate of wondering if we should even go in. Again, I’m so glad we took the plunge and stopped by!
I don’t share this to brag, but to share a sweet story of a kind gesture that really put my mind at ease and lifted my spirits. I hope that someday, when my children are grown, I can help lift another young mama’s spirits in such a way. That kind gesture will be remembered always.
Have you ever been the recipient of a sweet gesture that you’d like to share with us below? I’d love to hear it!
Camille Hoffmann
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
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