Silly Chickens Doing Their Thing!

Chickens are highly valued right now. With the price of eggs being what they are, I have never missed my chickens so badly! They were diligent little layers, and I am definitely missing the convenience of having fresh eggs in my backyard every morning.
Though, there’s more to it than eggs. I miss our chickens- because they are just super fun to watch! They are the silliest things, and while the idea of a 6 foot chicken is the stuff of nightmares (I mean, we all know now that dinosaurs almost look like giant birds/chickens!), a regular sized chicken is just fodder for laughter and giggles. They are quirky and yet loving and they provide hours of entertainment.
Let’s take a moment to appreciate the silliness of chickens.
Here’s a video that makes me laugh because I’ve had the same thought:
I mean, if we’re being honest- chickens are a tad scary, are they not? ;)
This is another video that made me chuckle:
I want a whole hoard of chickens just so I can do this!
This is a video of my own chickens: my kids were “feeding” them trail mix and we were cracking up that they were trying to eat through the glass!
Here’s a compilation I found on YouTube that had me giggling (especially the pants!!)
We could spend all day looking at funny chicken videos, because there's no shortage to their goofiness! If you want more eggs and laughter in your life, get you some chickens :).
Camille Hoffmann
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
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