You're Gonna Really Like the new "Like" Enhancements

If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound? Similarly, if somebody "Likes" a recipe that you Made and you don't know it, was it really "Liked?" This is the question that I asked the Cook'n Elves in our Monday team meeting.

As you probably know, we added some really cool features to Cook'n and released them during the Live Release Event last Thursday.

If you haven't watched the video yet, you should watch it now! It's a little on the long side by design because it was, after all, a live event. But, just keep in mind that you can fast forward through the beginning to get to the really good stuff

Some of the new features include an "I Made This" option which allows you to post Made recipes!

When you post a recipe that you've Made, it shows up on the Recently Made ticker on the Cook'n Home page for all to see!

We added a "Like" button with a thumbs-up icon at the bottom of each Made recipe which allows other users to "Like" your posts. How cool is that??!!!

And, you can see how many "Likes" you get by simply glancing at the Scoreboard at the top of the screen. As you can see in the screenshot above, I'm up to 71 likes. Woohoo!!

If you tap on the Scoreboard where it says "71 Likes," you can see your position on the Cook'n Leaderboard.

This is awesome because, cooking dinner can sometimes feel like a thankless job...but with these new features in Cook'n, cooking dinner becomes an exciting journey!

These "gamification" features transform mealtime into a fun and rewarding experience.

Now you can engage with the vibrant Cook'n community through our interactive platform, where you can earn points and climb the Leaderboard by sharing recipes, giving and receiving "Likes," and participating in community activities.

These features allow you to connect with fellow food enthusiasts to share cooking tips, collaborate on recipe variations, and celebrate culinary accomplishments together.

These features add a new layer of engagement and motivation to your Cook'n experience, fostering community interaction and making cooking more enjoyable than ever!

But, there is something missing. When I look at the 13 "Made" recipes that I've posted, I can't tell which ones got all those "Likes!" And, when I look at the recipes that other Cook'n users have "Made," I can't see which of theirs were most liked either.

So, this week, I told the Cook'n elves to display a number next to each "Like" button so we can see how many "Likes" each recipe has.

And, I told them to add an option to the Recently Made Recipes web page that allows you to sort the recipes by Most Liked.

How cool is that going to be? Think about I said before, Cook'n users will typically browse 10 internet recipes before Capturing 1. And, they will Capture 10 recipes before making 1. So, the Made recipes truly are the cream-of-the-crop, kitchen-tested recipes that are the best of the best. And, if you can sort those recipes by "Most Liked"...imagine it! This is truly going to be your Go To when finding something delicious and seeing which dishes are trending when it's time to make dinner.

Are you as excited about this as I am?

Let's go Cook'n Elves! Work your magic! We can't wait!!

    Dan Oaks
    Founder of DVO Enterprises
    Creator of Cook'n
    Father of 5. Husband of 1.
    Monthly Newsletter Contributor since 2024
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