Chocolate with Chili and Other Weird Food Combos that Work Shockingly Well

Did you know that really only Americans eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches? It’s actually a super strange flavor combination that just somehow works. It’s a little too weird for most of the world, but for those who know… we know.

Well… this doesn’t stop at peanut butter and jelly. There are some radically weird flavor combinations that just somehow work. They don’t just work, but they’re divine. Here’s a list of weird flavor combinations that might change your life.

Blue Cheese and Honey: The tanginess of blue cheese paired with the sweetness of honey creates a balanced and flavorful combination. I first had this on a pizza with prosciutto and arugula that had been covered in soft blue cheese crumbles, and when taken from the pizza, drizzled with honey. However, a pretty simple way to try this combination is to toss blue cheese with your salad and make a honey-heavy dressing to go along with it. Combine it with toasted walnuts, salad greens and arugula, and something sweet like strawberries to get an incredible salad.

Watermelon and Feta Cheese: The juicy sweetness of watermelon combined with the salty richness of feta cheese offers a refreshing contrast. No recipe needed here; just try your next watermelon with some feta tossed on top.

Peanut Butter and Bacon: The salty, savory taste of bacon enhances the nutty sweetness of peanut butter, creating a delicious contrast. If you ever feel like getting yourself 3% closer to your next heart attack, spread some crunchy peanut butter on a slice of toast and layer some bacon on top.

Chili and Chocolate: Adding a hint of chili or cayenne pepper to chocolate can create a super rich flavor profile. In fact, chili powder is a shockingly complex and earthy that adds a ton of depth to chocolate. I’ve had chili pepper brownies before to my utter delight. A much more common way to enjoy this is to mix it in with hot chocolate (this is better if it’s… you know… good hot chocolate).

Rosemary and Strawberry: The earthy, herbal flavor of rosemary pairs surprisingly well with the sweetness of fresh strawberries. Honestly, just try it. My wife sometimes combines these in a cake, and it blows my mind every time.

Olive Oil and Ice Cream: Drizzling high-quality olive oil over vanilla ice cream can create a luxurious and sophisticated dessert. But here’s the key: you need good, fresh olive oil, and you need good, high-quality ice cream. I’m talking Hagan Daaz, not Ben & Jerry’s.

    Matthew Christensen
    Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2023
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