Check to see which of your recipes are Most Liked!

As you probably know, we added a new feature to Cook'n recently that allows you to share recipes that you've made with the Cook'n community. Last week, we added some killer new enhancements to this feature.

This week, we added a blue "I Made This" button to the recipe image right in the Recipe View itself to make it even easier for you to share recipes that you've made!

When you tap the blue "I Made This" button, your recipe will appear in the Recently Made ticker that appears on the main screen that all Cook'n users see when they launch Cook'n. Your recipe appears with your name and avatar underneath it as well.

Your recipe will also appear with a 'Like' button underneath that users can tap if they like your recipe. If you haven't shared any recipes that you've made yet...what are you waiting for? Get in on the fun!

As you may have noticed (by all the Made recipes with the Oaks family name underneath them), my family and I have been having loads of fun with these new features.

After posting 14 recipes, I was really curious to see which of my 14 'Made' recipes people 'Liked' the most. I found that I could do this by using the new "Sort By" feature.

If you would like to see which of your Made recipes people like the most, simply follow these steps:

  1. Tap "Made" on the Scoreboard

  2. Tap "Total" to see the Total Made Recipes Leaderboard

  3. Tap "Jump to Me" to see your listing on the Leaderboard

  4. Tap your name to see "Recipes Made By" you

  5. Finally, select "Most Liked" in the "Sort By" menu

When you do this, Cook'n will sort all of the recipes you've made and display them with the Most Liked recipes at the top.

Doing this was very interesting to me because I was really curious to see which of MY recipes Cook'n users liked the most.

Apparently, people really like the "Breakfast Sausage Casserole" recipe that I made because it is at the top of my list with 33 likes. Wahoo!!

Check to see which of your recipes are Most Liked!

    Dan Oaks
    Founder of DVO Enterprises
    Creator of Cook'n
    Father of 5. Husband of 1.
    Monthly Newsletter Contributor since 2024
    Email the author!

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