I found your website while searching for a new pizza stone. I found a whole lot more and put it on my list for Christmas. I received the pizza stone, pizza cutter, tamale steamer, and tortilla maker. All of the products are top notch. While my sister-in-law was on the site ordering, she found things that she really liked and purchased for herself.
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Maseca Masa (corn) Flour |
Make Corn Tortillas in no time at all!
Availability: Usually ships
within 24 hours
- Makes 12 dozen corn tortillas
- Make delicious tortillas
- Authentic Maseca Corn Flour
- Made from ground, dried corn
- Make your favorite food with Masa Flour
- 4.4 lbs
Masa Masa for Tortillas
Retail Value: $10.95
Sale Price: $8.25