Cook'n Software Service & Support Amazing and Compelling Stories TV Guardian COOK'N SOFTWARE ![]() SmartComputing Cook'n Review I want to let you know that the more I use your wonderful program, the more I love it. It’s so easy to enter my own recipes, I love being able to search by what foods I have on hand, not to mention creating a shopping list for recipes I want to make later, and it’s so cool to be able to quickly print out recipe cards for friends and family on your lovely cards. Thank you so much! Elizabeth ___________________________________________________________________ Thanks so much. I threw out all my other software after 6 or more hours printing recipes. Then I found your Cook'n CD and did it again. It was worth it!!! Your program/software beats the tar out of the others. Rita E Gorra __________________________________________________________________ HI I JUST HAD TO TELL YOU THAT I HAVE NEVER FOUND A RECIPE ORGANIZER THAT I HAVE LIKED SO WELL. I HAVE ONLY HAD IT FOR A FEW DAYS BUT HAVE BEEN IMPRESSED. I WOULD RECOMMEND IT TO ANYONE THAT HAS BEEN TRYING TO ORGANIZE THEIR RECIPE FILES. I BOUGHT IT WITH THE INTENTION OF USING IT TO PRINT OUT RECIPES FOR THE KIDS AS A CHRISTMAS PRESENT, BUT I BELIEVE I GAVE MYSELF A NICE PRESENT TOO. I HAVE ALSO PURCHASED THE TASTE OF HOME, PILLSBURY, BETTY CROCKER AND THE BBQ BIBLE AT BEST BUY. MY HUSBAND CAN NOT WAIT TO GET INTO THE BBQ BIBLE. THANKS AGAIN FOR A WONDERFUL PRODUCT. PAT DESCHANE __________________________________________________________________ Hello, My husband bought me the Cook'n2000 cdrom 4 years ago and I have really enjoyed all of it and that new recipes can be downloaded too. I have also printed many recipes and for family and friends. Trying many, many of the recipes have been very enjoyable for my family. Also the many features on the cdrom such as the videos and the "helps" is absolutely wonderful. Thank you so much! Mrs. Boucher __________________________________________________________________ Hi Dan, Just wanted to let you know that I made a cookbook of my Mom's recipes last year and gave them to family members. It was a great experience. It brought back many memories, and the family loved it and all use it. I added little comments about certain recipes and things I remembered growing up, and learning how to cook. I printed mine as a book and added pictures and other decorative touches. I used my Cook'n with Tase of Home program. It was great! Thanks and have a wonderful holiday season! Maureen Sabbagh __________________________________________________________________ Hello and Happy Holidays, I too have used Cookin' to print out recipe cards. I have my own book in my Cookin' program, I think there are over 200 recipes I have put in. Family favorites passed done from generation to generation, as well as some speedy and healthly ones from this one. My son lives in Germany, so a couple of years ago, I printed out the book, all put on 4x6 cards. He loved it, and no more calling Mom at 2 in the morning wanting a recipe for donuts! Thanks for a great product! May you and yours be blessed this Holy Season. Candy Clark __________________________________________________________________ Dear Dan. This is one of the BIG reasons that I bought your product. I have been trying for years to create a cookbook that can be passed on easily to my daughters and daughter-in-laws. This is about as easy as it gets, and I love the ability to create my own specialized cookbook, print on cute cards and stick them in a binder. The fact that I can also create a years food storage program for these receipes at the touch of a finger is incredible. You have such a great product for so many reasons, and I talk about it to everyone if I visit with them for any length of time. Thank you again. I totally enjoy your whole product, newsletters and all. ____________________________________________________ Dan, Last Christmas, using your software, I created a cookbook containing about 200 traditional family receipes (many of which had never been written down, some at least 100 years old). Then I exported the entire cookbook to text. I opened the text file in MS Word and did massive reformatting. This could be printed to make hard copies for those family members who have no computers or want something to work from in the kitchen. I purchased the product specifically for this family project and it has worked really well. Your cookbook product is easy to use and very flexible. Thank you! peggy trout __________________________________________________________________ Dan, My father ordered your Cook'n with Taste of Home program and had printed some recipes for me. When my son asked for me to copy some of my recipes for him I went looking for a recipe program to use. My father had just the right program that I needed and I ordered my own copy of Cook'n with Taste of Home. I am making copies of our favorite family recipes for all four of my children for Christmas. I am putting them in binders with plastic sheet protectors so each one will have their own cookbook and plenty of room to add more recipes. I really like your program. Patty Nodzak __________________________________________________________________ Hi Daniel, It was so nice to receive an e-mail from the President! I'm impressed! I love your Cook'n with Betty Crocker. This is the second cookbook software I have had and I like it much better than the last one I had, especially since I like Cook'n with Betty Crocker. That was my first cookbook in 1961 when I got married and I still have it. When my friends want my favorite recipes, I just print them one using my Cook'n. It makes it so much easier than writing it down. I would love to have the monthly newsletter sent to me. I have not had a chance to explore all of your recipes, but I intend to. Gracie King __________________________________________________________________ While walking around Staples, I saw the Cook'n program and started reading what it had to offer. I was fascinated with everything. So, I added it to my Christmas list, and imagine to my surprise, I received it from my husband. I was overwhelmed and thrilled with all the recipes it had. I was excited to get started using the program. I have only a few added, but with time I can add more and throw away all my wrinkled, stained, and torn recipes I have written on paper, napkins, or whatever was available. I also received a beautiful recipe box for Christmas, and I plan on saving my recipes on disk and print some on recipe cards I hope to purchase from you in the very near future. I loved the samples that were included with the program. I am going to tell family and friends about this program, and highly recommend it! Sincerely, Michelle Hoffert __________________________________________________________________ I am busy typing all my recipes into the data base. I have made family cookbooks before (with pictures) and I am so thrilled that I will be able to do updates quite easily with the computer. Your recipe cards are so cute and will make GREAT wedding shower gifts (just print and done). Thank you so much! I am in love with my new software and your company. I have already been to the web site and will be a frequent visitor. Thanks again. You have a fan forever. Niki Rapanos __________________________________________________________________ Your DVO cookbook software saves me time and money. The recipes are clearly written, kitchen tested so that I know that the recipes will work and that they will taste great too. The recipes also print out beautifully and I can even print out a shopping list to take to the store. What more can you ask for? You just can't get that from a printed cookbook. Keep up the good work. Merry Christmas to you, your family and to all the workers behind the scenes at DVO. Mary Ann Campbell __________________________________________________________________ I must let you know how much I am pleased to get your email. For some reason I already feel that I am part of a big family who really cares. I love you for your friendly thoughts and the suggestions about making a family cookbook. That is just what I want to do for my three grandaughters. They are still young, but maybe if I get started now, I'll have it finished by the time they get married. That is a great idea, when I print a recipe, I can just print four. Thank you for making me feel good about my purchase. Dewana Butler ______________________________________________________________ Well, Dan, let me tell you about my story with a family cookbook. I was at home for my Mom's 79th birthday in Sep. 2003 and had some time to just sit with her and talk. She started pulling stuff out of the closet and showing it to me. One of the things she brought out was a box of her writings that she shared with me. The bottom of the box held a stack of hand written recipes that she had collected since high school, some were from friends, some from food boxes, and one was even from her great grandmother and probably dated previous to 1880. I asked her why she had done this. She told me that she had the dream of some day publishing a cookbook, but she allowed that it would probably never happen now because she could not afford it. She had photos, poems, essays, short stories, and had even written a preface to go with all the recipes. No one in the family knew that she had worked on this and no one knew that she even had the recipes. All of the recipes were things we ate growing up, sort of a "Best of Hannah Family Food". My reaction was, "We can't let this get away, it is like a family historical document." So I told Mom that she was right, publishing a bound book probably was not going to happen and asked her if she would consider an alternative, namely computerizing it, putting it on CDs and passing it out to every one that wanted it in our extended family. She was not real enthused about it, but she finally said she would go through the recipes and send me some. She wouldn't let me take any because she was afraid she might not get them back. After I got home I printed some recipes from Cook'n and sent them to her for examples and forgot the whole thing. Three months later I got a heavy envelope in the mail and could not figure out what Mom was sending me. When I opened it, there were photocopies of half her recipes. The rest of the recipes came about six weeks later. I spent lots of evenings between January through early April entering recipes. My summer work is crop consulting for farmers. When that started in mid April, I estimated I would still have to work evenings on data entry all of September to get the project done in time for her 80th birthday on Sep. 30. Come September I spent most of a week entering recipes and the other documents, then printed the cook book and put it into a nice notebook. I burnt data CDs and gave them to my three brothers and told them they would have to get Cook'n software to use the cook book. I'm not taking any chances though, I have three Cook'n softwares that each will get for Christmas. Next each grandchild and the families of each of Mom's siblings are going to get a copy. Mom really liked the cookbook, but I don't think she quite knew what to make of it. For one thing, I don't think she ever quite expected to see it happen. For another, I don't think she had ever had anything like that happen to her in her life. Now she is asking and telling me that she really did not get everything that she wanted in it and is wondering if she can add on. No problem, Mom, we can just keep on adding and burning new CDs. Keep them cards and letters coming. My brothers liked it; one especially thought it was the coolest thing ever. Since then I have visited a 95 year old aunt and discovered she has recipes from my grandmother in my grandmother's handwriting. I have taken pictures of those and plan on entering them this winter. The next step will be to contact some of the other senior family members and see if they also have some family treasures. Then I plan on putting out a comprehensive family cookbook for my first cousin's families. The most interesting thing about this for me, as a male, has been the discovery of an unsuspected network among women that centers on recipes. I just marvel when I am working on these recipes and frequently see marginal notes attributing a certain recipe to a family friend or a relative who has been dead fifty or more years. Seldom would men have any comparable connectedness in their experience. Thanks for your product that made this experience possible for me. Sincerely, John Hannah __________________________________________________________________ Dan, I have been working on that very project for several weeks now. I have two daughters and have been wanting to copy my recipes for years and haven't found the right software until I found yours. I wanted something I could use to type my recipes and then print them. I also wanted some recipe cards that already had a design so I wouldn't have to use all my color ink printing them. I gave your website to a lady in my Bible study this morning and she was excited about doing the same thing. I bought 3 notebooks and assorted 4x6 recipe cards and plan to give the notebooks filled with all my best recipes to my daughters for Christmas. The section on the recipe cards designated for "description I used to recall funny stories and memories about certain recipes. I can't tell you how happy I am to have found you. Thanks for all your hard work in developing the Cook'n software. You'd better hire more people because this is a great product and I know word of mouth will bring you ever increasing business. Thank-you and Happy Holidays, Terry Moss __________________________________________________________________ Hi Dan, I too recently finished a recipe book using your Cook'n software. This is something I have been wanting to do for many years and finally got started in January 2004. It took me until June to enter and edit the 569 recipes that I have been accumulating from family, friends and magazines my entire lifetime and now finally I have all my favorite recipes on one place. First I created my own cookbook on Cook'n; then with the help of Holly, I printed it to file where I sized the pages and put the book into chapters. I ended up with 20 chapters and for each chapter divider page, I did a "family tree" in photo form beginning with my grandparents and ending with friends. Upon researching printing costs, I concluded it was not cost effective to have it professionally done and so I continued this as a "do it yourself" project. I bought a piece of software which converted my Word document to book form and then proceeded to print it myself using two home printers. Then I borrowed a paper cutter and cut all pages in half, bought some binding combs and with a borrowed binding machine, completed my books. After more hours than I care to think about, I am very pleased with the final product. I dedicated my recipe book to my granddaughter, the newest cook in our family and each family member will receive one for Christmas. It was indeed a labor of love. I am already beginning the Addendum! I just thought you would like to know what your Cook'n software program started. And, although I now have my own cookbook, I continue to use your recipes. Happy Holidays to you all! __________________________________________________________________ Dan, You are such a sweetheart....and thanks to the new software I got from you...my fiance's blood glucose is now normal...thanks to all the new recipes I am making!!! I have been sending your website to everyone I know...and bragging up a storm about you and DVO. __________________________________________________________________ Are you kidding????? As someone who frequently cooks for 60-70 people I'm constantly converting units. I've wanted a program like this for a LONG time. Just never ran across one until last night. I have this one cookbook that is absolutely worn out from me flipping pages converting cups of flour to lbs of flour and cups of sliced apples to lbs of apples to buy. I've had programs that would enlarge a recipe, but didn't provide a way to convert those units. I have no doubt that writing this program was not easy. But man am I glad that you did!!! I'm also very interested in the nutritional analysis of dishes, and have often wished that I could check out the analysis on some of my old favorites. It looks like to me that this program might just let me do that too. I'll have to check on that the first recipe of my own that I add. I can't wait!!!! I'm worse than any kid Christmas morning with a new toy. Thanks for the new tool (toy) I'm really going to enjoy this!!!! -Jennifer Quinton Annie __________________________________________________________________ After recommending Cook'n to his students for several semesters, Professor Bergquist requested a discount on an evaluation copy of the newest version of Cook'n for his University class. We sent him several copies for free. I would like to thanks you for your recent donation of DVO software to the Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism program at the University of Wisconsin-Stout. It is only through such partnerships that we are able to prepare the next generation of hospitality industry professionals. I will make it a required resource for students enrolled in my summer Quantity Food Production course. I know the quality of your software will be remembered by the students long after they complete this course. Again, thank you for the software!! Respectfully, Brian C. Bergquist Ed.S. C.F.E. Associate Professor Department of Hospitality and Tourism __________________________________________________________________ Hello Mr. Oaks, I just bought your product today called Cook'n - it's FANTASTIC. However, I am now looking at your web site and see Coon'n Lean - boy I wish I had seen that first, I would have bought it instead. The reason I bought the product is because I am in a nutrition class, and I have a huge project to put together that would analyze all the nutrients, give recipes, and stay within the DRI's (daily recommended allowance). To do this would take me a month, and your software takes minutes - seconds. I had only planned to use the software until my project was complete - not now. I hadn't expected your program to be so fantastic. As a matter of fact I consider it lucky. I went to my local computer store and they were having a customer appreciation day. So I registered for their free gifts, and while I read every nutritional analysis program, my name was called and I won a color printer from Xerox. So I got two great things today. I have bookmarked your site and look forward to reading all about your company. Thanks, Theresa Winslow Denver, CO __________________________________________________________________ Hi there! Wow! You people really are cook'n! I didn't realize you had so many programs to offer. This is wonderful! We have your Cook'n, Cook'n 99, and your Kid's Cook'n that my son has used in his homeschooling. I am very much interested in your Cook'n, Lean Cook'n, and Diabetic Cook'n. I would like to use them when I plan the menus for our Women's and Men's healing houses that is a part of our church ministries. We are beginning a foster care program for senior citizens and the Lean and Diabetic Cook'n would be a great addition. I have worked with your programs for some time now and am pleased with the new features that you have to offer. Our ministries are run by donations. With the shopping list feature on your programs it makes it easier for us to submit our needs accurately to the grocers that give us food to feed our people. May God bless you and your neat business! Debra Selby Director of Stepping Stones Womens House __________________________________________________________________ I have been very ill and in a lot of pain for about ten years. I feel better but the pain is still here and always will be. I had this program and started to look at it more and more. I decided to install it and start taking a look. I have always loved to cook and some of the best recipes around are in your cookbook. I have started to cook again and it has helped me mentally and given me back some of the joy that I used to enjoy in my old life and within the limits of what I am allowed to do now. I intend to buy all of the cookbooks and install them but needless to say I will have to buy them one at a time when I can. Patricia Irene Duffield __________________________________________________________________ My mother and I live together and having two women in the kitchen is tough. We had the Sierra MasterCook software and decided to get organized. We spent several hours going through our pantry and entering the stuff into the "OTHER SOFTWARE". After entering over 100 items, I clicked on the button that said "WHAT CAN I MAKE" and all it came up with was Sugar Water and Pita chips. WHAT A DISAPPOINTMENT. We went to the local CompUSA and purchased your software. What a difference! The quality is great! I especially love the videos, tips, and the CEO! There are so many great recipes here. I can't wait to get started cooking.....AND yes, I did read the text about conversions and you are right it can get very complicated. However, you made it easy for us to understand. I also, appreciate the humor and the bloopers..... Thanks again, Alicia A. Rexrode __________________________________________________________________ I am a blind amateur cook, and I just wanted to let you know that the software, Cooking with Gooseberry patch is great. It makes life as a blind cook so much easier. My wife purchased it for me as a birthday gift, and we both love it. Keep up the good work. Sincerely, Keith Steinbach __________________________________________________________________ As a testimonial, I love the program. My husband had a heart attack two years ago and we are on a heart-healthy diet. I have made my own cookbook and added the healthy recipes we like. If you could see all my recipes, I have really made a system. I added astericks to indicate certain things (that only I know) and put a main ingredient as the first word so that all those will come up together (I know I could use search, but this seems to work better for me). Also, I have organized "diet recipes", "get together recipes", "freezer recipes", etc. into categories. Very easy. I have really used this software and would heartily recommend it to anyone. Teresa Blackmon __________________________________________________________________ I'd like to tell you why I bought your Cook'n program, and how much it has meant to us. It was 2 years ago last fall that the doctor told Glenn (my husband) "If you don't get your cholesterol numbers down, it's not a matter of IF you die of a heart attack -- it's WHEN." This news scared me to death! Glenn had been on medicine to lower his cholesterol, and I'd believed it was under control until I learned this. He brought home some papers about what he should & shouldn't eat, but it left me confused. So I made an appointment to talk with his doctor and find out more about what I could do at home. I learned that not only was his cholesterol dangerously high, but his blood sugar was borderline diabetic. (Both of his parents died of heart failure, and his mother was also diabetic.) Glenn had to go on a low-fat, low-carb, low sugar diet. I left the doctor's office learning that he could have no potatoes, no rice, no pasta, no bread or anything else made with much flour, some vegetables should be limited and corn avoided, limited low-fat dairy, only the leanest of meats, seafood is good (which I'm not too fond of) and rather than cream bases, tomato bases are a good substitute (which Glenn isn't crazy about.) When I returned home, I told Glenn, "Well honey, my cooking job is going to be really easy from here on out. I'll just boil us some cardboard 3 times a day!" I love to cook and make up recipes, but this was too much at once -- I felt defeated. Hopeless. Lost. The next day my stubborn streak was kicking in again, and I decided to get on the internet and search high-cholesterol diet solutions and then search the same for diabetes. I spent the next 2 or 3 days reading facts, tips, solutions and printing a few recipes from the various sites. Finally I ran across the biggest help of all -- in a blog left by another reader, she mentioned 2 computer programs (Cook'n was one) where you could enter your own recipe and it would compute all the nutritional values so you could see exactly how good or bad your favorite recipes were! I immediately researched both programs, bought yours, and the rest is history. With my love of creating recipes, it has been a godsend to have your program! I started by putting in some of our favorite old recipes and kept tweaking the ingredients (with healthy substitutes) until I came up with the nutritional numbers I wanted. Then I'd make them, and surprisingly I've been able to salvage MANY of our favorites with little or no discernable difference in taste. I also went to work creating new recipes in the same fashion. Sincerely yours, Judy Hageman __________________________________________________________________ Hi, I thought I would share my story with you since it's your program that made my recovery after brain surgery a success. I had a colloital brain cyst and it had to be surgically removed three years ago. During my recovery, I had to learn to cook again at the age of 45. My husband bought your software, installed it on our computer and would put the recipe video on that I was to cook that day. It was so wonderful because I could replay it over and over and because of that I have been very successful in returning to the preparations of our meals not to mention going to the store and coming home with all the right ingredients. I share this amazing program with all my friends and family. Again, thanking you for your wonderful work and continued commitment to keeping us organized and cooking. To that end, thanks for the Valentines lesson. I can hardly wait to deliver my cookie vases and kisses to the nursing home for my mother and the staff to enjoy!!!! With great thankfulness, Jacque Micheli __________________________________________________________________ My hat is off to you my friend. My wife and I are trying to get on a budget thanks to listening to Dave Ramsey's radio show and reading his book. So with that in mind last night I was trying to help my wife with planning this next week's menu. A daunting task no doubt. Not just coming up with the recipes to prepare but to then make up the grocery list. So sitting at our dining room table I had what I thought was the most brilliant idea of all. Develop a computer program that would do it all for us. The ideas just came streaming out of me. Scheduling, inputting new recipes, downloading new recipes and automatic grocery lists. The kicker is that I am in no way, shape or form a computer programmer. So I get on the internet this morning to look and see if there is an existing software package. And of course there is, yours. It doesn't have all of the bells and whistles that I had envisioned or look the same as what was in my mind but the basic functionality is there. So my hopes of going to a software developer and making "a million bucks" have been dashed. We wil definately be purchasing a copy (as soon as the budget provides). I am impressed with your companies values and mission, so I wish you all the luck in the world. Jeff Selfe ___________________________________________________________________ I am happy that I purchased "Cook'n Deluxe, Cook'n for Diabetes, and Cook'n for Two." I find your programs easy to use and plan to order the new Cook'n Low Carb today. I noticed that "Cook'n for Diabetics" is on your new relase list. How is it different from "Cook'n for Dieabetes" and would it be an addition or a duplication to my Cook'n Library? I appreciate the manner in which your company does business and will gladly share my opinion with others that may benefit from the use of our product. Cook'n Healthy today with ease, thanks to my menus created with your software ___________________________________________________________________ This is a great product. I love the flexiblity of downloading, shipping CD's, or gift certiricates. I intend to buy this product as gifts for all of my married children and will continue to purchase your additional products in the future. Loraine M. Whetten ____________________________________________________________________ Dear Dan and Family, I would like to thank you for all the time, attention, and effort you have put into your products. I have owned Cook'n since 99 and I was blown away at all the features back then. Now you have streamlined and tweaked your awesome program to work with the newest computers. I appreciate the effort that went into making the original versions work seamlessly in todays processing environments. There was a widow of time where my prog was givin me fits but after doing the troubleshooting on the DVO site, it is back to screamin' again. I know I am preaching to the choir but your prog REALLY does have it all. One of my faves is going thourgh our old family recipes and seeing the nutritional info translated. Just Keep up the great work! Blessings from my Family to Yours! Kim Brooks and Family ___________________________________________________________________ I love it, Love It, LOVE IT! I've been looking for a way to organize all of my recipes and I truly believe that Cook'n is the perfect solution. This was the first product I looked at on the Internet. Being the savvy consumer, I decided to check out some other companies as well. I shouldn't have wasted my time because none of them compared to Cook'n! If I could make one tiny suggestion it would be to include a spell checker when I type in my own recipes. Thanks for a great product, Wendy Taylor ___________________________________________________________________ I love your Cook'n with Agave. I am already using it and everyone is enjoying the meals. I am 100% satisfied and looking forward to your new issue. Sincerely, Deirdre Crevier Deidre.MyWorldResults.com ___________________________________________________________________ Hi Dan, I just wanted to say thanks back. Your product is very educational and very useful. I will be ordering a lot of the downloads. Probably about 75% of them. It is very user friendly and I like your work ethics and dedication to the customer satisfaction. Keep up the good work. Respectfully, Gene Krimes ___________________________________________________________________ The Oster Electric Knife delivered yesterday. I love that it comes in it's own case. I know it will be a great addition to my kitchen. I love shoppin at DVO.com! Sharon Schnell ___________________________________________________________________ I cannot tell you how much I love your cook book. I have on Jenny Craig to lose weight and the food can be expensive. But with your program I am able to put in my recipe and modify the ingredients to achieve low fat recipes. I have told every one that this is the best. The other thing is now my daughter in law can look up my recipes to make for my son his favorties. Jayne ___________________________________________________________________ Hi Dan I promised to let you know how the vertisserie works and I love it! Chickens, pork, roasts, and a very small turkey turned out really great. The only thing I see as a problem is the door does not open real wide and it is a bit of a juggle to get the dip pan and meat item out with no spills. If you are careful it usually works but a little scary due to the hot juice, etc. in the drip pan. I hope in time will figure out a better way to do this. But really I would still purchase it again because it really is great for small family and the food is moist and delicious. Also much healthier due to the fat grease dripping in the pan and not soaking into the meat. Have a great day and get yourself a Vertisserie!! ___________________________________________________________________ Wow! I just received my Multi-colorde Pearls - they are wonderful! I wish now I had ordered a second set - just 'in-case' ... IF any show up around the warehouse that didn't get sold - please let me know. I know the web site tells me they are gone - but I am the eternal optimist --- I am so glad I found your site and the great recipe package - that is just the tip of the iceberg. Regards, Louise Fortune ___________________________________________________________________ Thank you. This new software I downloaded, 'Cook'n Recipe Organizer', I love it! It's easy to use and understand. I have already started organizing my personal recipes. I'm so glad that I purchased it. Carol ___________________________________________________________________ Just wanted to pass on this info that my husband Richard, passed away recently but he really enjoyed receiving your emails. I have decided to keep his email account open so I can also enjoy your emails as well. Thanks, Tabby