It seems like there are two different kinds of cooks. There are those, like my wife Kathy, who find a set of really good recipes and stick to them. And, there are those (like me) who like to try new recipes if it looks like they have a good one.
When it comes to risking a piece of meat in the slow-cooker on a new recipe, or using one of her tried and true family favorite recipes, it's not even a question. Kathy will go with her favorite recipe every time.
I, on the other hand, like to experiment with new recipes. If I find one that looks really good, I'll take a chance. I like the variety and suspense. Even though it doesn't turn out very well sometimes, sometimes it does and finding a new GREAT recipe is a thrill to me.
What kind of cook are you? Cast your vote and let's see what kind of cooks we have here!
Happy Holidays!