Christmas Decor on A Budget

If you’ve been to the grocery store any time in the last month (which I know you have!), then you know that prices have been going up- and not everyone’s budget can keep up! It’s time to be wise with your money and make the most of each purchase!

Some people might say that Christmas decorations are an unnecessary splurge, and maybe they’re right, but I can’t not have Christmas decorations. I need the cheery colors, the peaceful lights, all the reminders of this most wonderful time of the year!

If you want some ideas for budget-friendly Christmas decorations, read on!

  • You probably already have a couple glass jars or vases on hand, so simply pull those out and fill them with red, green, or gold ribbons for an elegant and simple table decoration. Chances are you already have ribbon from last year, so this could easily be one of the least expensive decor items to put together! If you have lots of glass jars (even mason jars from canning!) You can fill with a plethora of sweets or ribbons to give variety and make a whole Christmas jar tablescape!
  • Paper snowflakes. Sure, they’re definitely not a high-end decoration, but they still add such a fun feeling! We make these every year. There are many tutorials online to cut out some fun ones if you feel like you need some guidance! Deck out your kitchen in a bunch of cheery snowflakes and I promise it won’t feel cheap or cheesy!
  • Hone your painting skills! An empty roll of toilet paper or paper towels can easily be painted to look like carolers, angels, snowmen, reindeer, or whatever you want! You can just keep it simple with paint, or add some arms or antlers with felt or pipe cleaner!
  • If you have tons of extra wrapping paper (I know I usually do!), you can wrap some of your empty boxes (e.g. cereal boxes, instant mashed potatoes, muffin mixes, crackers, etc). Place them aesthetically in the center of your table for a fun centerpiece!
  • Do you have Christmas cards from last year? Easy decor right there! Use extra ribbon to hang them in strips, or simply go crazy with tape (careful with paint!) and place them all over the wall!
  • Bake gingerbread cookies, let them crisp up a bit, and hang them with ribbon from your Christmas tree or chandeliers.
  • Visit the Dollar store. Granted, you have to be careful not to go too overboard, but I’m always impressed with the Dollar Tree. They actually have some really cute things, and all of it is no more than $1.25! If you’re looking for just a few additions to your kitchen space, this is a great place to check!
  • If you can only afford one thing, go with lights. There is something particularly festive and wonderful about Christmas lights. If you have nothing else but one string of lights, your kitchen will still feel festive and cozy.

There’s many crafty ideas out there, but I hope this list shows that you don’t have to be Martha Stewart or have tons of money to make your home festive and cozy for the holidays! Use what you have on hand, think out of the box, and don’t be afraid of the dollar store!

What ideas do you have for decorating on a budget? Help us all out and share your ideas below!

    Camille Hoffmann
    Monthly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
    Email the author!


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