Cool New Notifications in iOS (and how to MUTE them)

The notifications that appear at the top of the Discover View in Cook'n can be really helpful.

There are a variety of different notification types and we color code them to make it easy for you to differentiate them. For example, notifications that appear in red indicate that there is a billing problem or some other urgent issue with your account.

Notifications that appear in green include special announcements from DVO regarding new features in Cook'n.

Notifications that appear in blue let you know when one of your Cook'n Friends messaged you or when one of your Cook'n Friends made a new recipe.

However, we noticed that these notifications would sometimes 'pile up'. And, in other cases, if you have a Cook'n Friend who is posting Made recipes on a regular basis, it is easy to feel a bit inundated with notifications. So, we took several steps to improve this experience for you!

First, we just released an update to Cook'n for iOS a few days ago which features a new way to display notifications. In the new version, we stack the notifications with the most recent one at the top. Check it out!

Pretty cool, right? You can view the notification by tapping it. Or, you can tap "+8 more ->" to see all of the notifications in a list format.

You can dismiss the notifications by tapping the X in the top right corner or by simply sliding them to the left.

And, we added a new feature that allows you to MUTE notifications and we also added an "UNFRIEND" feature that allows you to unfriend someone.

As you can see in the screen recording referred to below, to Mute notifications, simply tap where it says "See More Made by ..." and then tap the Bell icon where it says "Notify me about new posts."

To Unfriend someone, simply tap the "My Friends" button on the bottom navigation bar, tap the person's name, and tap the "UNFRIEND" button on the bottom right.

Click here to see the screen recording.

As you can see, you have total control over the notifications that appear in your Cook'n. And, now, with the new improvements to Cook'n for iOS, you have a cool new way to see notifications! We hope you love it!!

    Dan Oaks
    Founder of DVO Enterprises
    Creator of Cook'n
    Father of 5. Husband of 1.
    Monthly Newsletter Contributor since 2024
    Email the author!

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