Chopping, Dicing, Slicing… All it Takes is the RIGHT Techniques and Practice!

I once asked lots of family and friends if they had any meal-prep bugaboos (things that tripped them up when cooking). There was one thing that kept coming up—over and over. What would it be for you?

Well, for those I talked to, it was chopping, dicing, slicing—using knives. “I have no knife skills; it takes me more time to chop and prep ingredients than to actually cook them into a meal!” was what was consistently expressed.

Do you relate? If so, read on for a clear and simple set of instructions (from on how to master this extremely important kitchen skill. According to the pros, all it takes is practice.

First, FIND YOUR GRIP. There are two ways to hold a knife. Both have their advantages, but the best way to grip a knife is the one that’s the most comfortable for you.

With the “Handshake Grip,” you wrap your hand around the knife like you’re shaking someone’s hand. This is the most intuitive and strongest knife grip, but what you gain in strength you may lose in precision.

Or there’s the “Pinch Grip.” You pinch the blade of the knife just above the bolster with your thumb and forefinger, then wrap the other fingers around the handle. Professional chefs prefer this grip because it gives more control when chopping and mincing.

From there, CREATE STABILITY. Fruits and veggies that wobble, slide, and roll around on a cutting board are hard to handle and can lead to accidents. If there’s no flat side, make one: Cut a thin piece off one side of round vegetables so they sit flat on the cutting board. Cut large items like winter squash or cabbage into halves or even quarters to get flat sides. Pros call this, creating a “foot” to stand on.

Next, MASTER “THE CLAW.” This finger-protecting technique is one of the first skills budding chefs learn in cooking school. It takes practice, but once you get the hang of it, it’ll become automatic. To do it, shape your free hand into a claw by tucking four fingers behind your middle finger. Tightly grip the food with your claw hand, using all five fingers to hold it steady, with the thumb and pinky finger stabilizing the sides. Make sure the fingertips are always farther back from the knife edge than the knuckles.

Once you’ve found your grip, stabilized what your cutting, and know how to “claw,” you’re ready for some basic cutting techniques. With these six basic cutting techniques in your arsenal, you can prep your ingredients for almost any use.

SLICE. For a good slicing technique, move the knife in a rocking, tip-to-heel motion to cleanly slice a food all the way through. Slide the fingers of your claw hand back and move the knife (not the food) after each cut. Experienced chefs use the knuckle of their middle finger as a width guide for slices.

BIAS SLICE. Cutting on the diagonal results in longer slices—perfect for bananas, carrots, or cucumbers. The sharper the angle, the broader your slices will be.

MINCE. Aromatic herbs, ginger, and garlic need to be minced into fine bits so they can permeate a finished dish. Place the knife next to the item to be chopped, and set your free hand flat on the tip of the knife. Hold the tip down as you move the knife heel up and down in a chopping motion, rocking back and forth over the food until it is finely minced.

DICE. To cut food into uniform cubes takes 3 steps. First cut food into even slices. Stack 2 or 3 slices on the cutting board, then cut them lengthwise into thick sticks. Holding the sticks together with your claw hand, cut the sticks crosswise into dice.

Because of their layers, dicing onions involves a specific technique. Start by halving the onion through the stem. (Don’t remove the stem: It will hold the layers together for easier cutting.)

Place the cut side down on the cutting board and make even lengthwise cuts, still avoiding the stem. Set your hand flat on top, and cut two or three horizontal slices through the middle. Finish by slicing the onion crosswise to release the dice.

WEDGES. Start by halving your food lengthwise. Lay the halves cut side down and halve them again. Then cut through the center of each quarter to make wedges. If your wedges still seem large, halve them again. (Trim the stems of onions, cabbage, and lettuce heads, but leave them intact while cutting to hold the wedges together.)

CHIFFONADE. This means cutting herbs and leafy greens into fluffy ribbons. and it’s as easy as slicing. Wash and pat dry the herbs or greens before slicing so they separate easily. Then stack 4 or 5 leaves on a cutting board. Roll them into a tight cylinder. Slice the cylinder crosswise into thin strips.

    Alice Osborne
    DVO Newsletter Contributor since 2006
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