Not only is holiday cooking and baking time-consuming, they can put your hand mixer to work more than any other time of the year. Whipping cream, blending puddings, beating the mashed potatoes, stirring gravy--all can send splatters onto backsplashes, countertop appliances, cupboards and so on, no matter how careful you might be.
Here's how to save precious food-prep minutes by avoiding the after-mixing mess, 100% of the time:
- Place your mixing bowl inside a large paper grocery bag and place the bag in your sink.
- Simply reach down into the bag with your mixer and whip, blend, beat or stir to your heart's content.
Every splatter ends up on the inside of the paper bag and nowhere else. You'll never have to fear "high speed" again, and you'll never waste another minute in needless cleanup. When done, remove the mixer and bowl, wipe and shine your mixer, and throw the mixing bag away!