Caring For Your Kitchen - Easily!
by Patty Liston
 I visited my sisters a few weeks ago. It is our tradition to purchase little gifts for each other and place them on the beds. We squeal like little girls when we open up the packages that can contain anything from lotion, to chocolate, to glittered nail-files and tea-cups.
This time I brought each one of them a book I found on sale: Women’s Day Easy Household Tips — along with chocolate truffles, of course. I was intrigued with all of the information I found in the book, (over 1,000 tips!) and bought one for myself. Over the next several weeks, I’ll share with you some of the suggestions, which are bound to make our work a little easier.
To get rid of stains in a porcelain sink, fill the sink with lukewarm water and add 4 Tablespoons chlorine bleach. Let the solution stand an hour or two. Rinse. (Be sure that the area is well ventilated.)
Clean a stainless steel sink with a sponge dipped in hot, sudsy water. For extra sparkle, wipe occasionally with glass cleaner or distilled white vinegar.
Use cutting boards. Be sure to use different cutting boards for preparing vegetables and meat, fish or chicken.
Stubborn spots on the counter can be removed by rubbing with a paste of baking soda and water.
Cover the countertop work area with wax paper to catch drips and crumbs. When you are done, throw it away and save yourself washing.
Clean out the drain line periodically by filling the sink with 2 or 3 inches of water. Turn on the disposer and let the water run through by itself.
Prevent odors by grinding up fresh citrus rinds in the disposer while flushing with cold water.
Cover cookbooks with clear plastic report covers while you cook. Spills can be wiped off more easily.
Wash utensils as you go instead of constantly reaching for new ones.
Line baking sheets or jelly roll pans with aluminum foil to save scrubbing later.
Turn a metal colander upside down over the skillet when frying food. This allows the steam to escape but keeps the fat from splattering.
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