Fruit Flies and Ants Be Gone!
By Alice Osborne
It's the season for fresh fruits and vegetables - oh joy! My fruit bowl is brimming with produce I can't get fresh any other time of the year (and "Thank you, farmers' markets!) Well, "Oh joy!" except for the pesky fruit flies.
Since so many fresh fruits and vegetables are better when stored at room temperature (in the fruit bowl, for instance), how do you avoid the fruit fly dilemma? Home experts say to put a few sprigs of mint close to the fruit and in amongst the fruit in the bowl. Mint is an excellent fruit fly repellant.
Of course, another way is to actually EAT the stuff before it gets overripe.
But hey, what about when I truly want overripe fruit - bananas for banana bread or muffins, for instance? They invariably attract fruit flies as they sit and darken. Unfortunately, with this fruit, mint leaves don't seem to do the trick. So to beat the flies this time, set out a small plastic container filled with a mixture of 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, 6 drops of liquid dish detergent and 1/2 cup of water. The bugs will fly in, but they won't fly out.
cayenne pepper
chili powder
whole cloves
bay leaves
cream of tartar
salted cucumber peelings
dried peppermint leaves or mint oil
distilled white vinegar
lemon juice and peel - mix it with water and wash the kitchen floor
baby powder
By taking these simple steps we can first say "Fruit flies and ants be gone!" and then say "Fresh fruit and veggies, oh joy!" (without any qualifications)!