Here are some really good tips that I got in a handout at my church. I honestly don't know where they got it from, but I thought these were very interesting. I truly hope you learn something new, I know I did!
However, I guess that's because I don't can. I already struggle with anxiety and I think I would just stress too much, wondering if I sealed it right. Then I would probably just end up throwing the can away, thinking I did it wrong. I was serious about how I titled this article.
But hopefully you can use it!
- All jams and jellies need to be processed in a water bath for 10-15 min. (according to the pectin source/recipe). This prevents mold growth and creates a more secure seal. Following processing and cooling, check the jar seal and then remove ring for storage.
- All pickle products require processing to destroy yeasts, molds, and bacteria that may cause spoilage. Relishes require an approved recipe to prevent low acidity and botulism growth.
- Jar sterilization is necessary if the product will be processed less than 15 min. Boil jars and allow them to remain in water for 10 min. prior to filling.
- If lid does not seal at processing time, food is safe to re-can within 24 hours. Replace lid and follow complete processing time.
- Always exhaust a pressure canner for a full 10 minutes before closing the calve. Time begins when pressure is met.
- Discard any jars that have mold growth in them.
- Sugar and salt are only to improve flavor, not prevent spoilage in a product.
- Do not can fruit with cornstarch. Refer to recipes for canned pie filing with Clear Jel.
- Remove fat from meat to maintain cleaner rim and airtight seal on jar.
- Canning of summer squash and zucchini is not recommended. Safe processing times have not been determined for these vegetables as they become soft, affecting the heating process.
- Beans MUST be fully reconstituted before pressure canning.
- Chicken and Beef (red meats) chunks or strips require 45 minutes for pints/90 minutes for quarts of pressures canning. Fish products require additional processing time.
Sydney Hill
Weekly Newsletter Contributer since 2012