One of the rooms we spend the most time in is our Kitchen. We eat there, we clean there, we prepare there, we laugh and talk there. The kitchen is an important part of our homes, a place where we bond and learn more about each other. We discuss our days and important topics around the dinner table. If you have kids, they learn how to do their first chores as they set the table and wash the dishes. We live there.
It is a room where it is important to be happy.
So, how happy are you in your kitchen? Is it a place of stress or rest? A place of peace or war? A place of refuge or retaliation? A place of cleanliness or clutter? These are all important questions to ask yourself and reflect upon.
I have come up with a list. This list is to either directly or indirectly help your kitchen become a happier place for the whole family (or even just you) to be in.
Even if you don't feel like it, a smile is always going to brighten someone else's day, or at least your own. It helps people feel secure and cared for, and I truly believe it's good for your health: physical, mental, and emotional. Don't be afraid to do it just because you had a bad day. You may find it just turns things around for you.
2. De-ClutterIt makes an environment more stressful when things are cluttered. Whether it's the countertops, the pantry, or the sink, think about what you can de-clutter. Take it a step at a time. Choose what works best for you. There's storing things in separate bins, there's labeling, etc. But the biggest thing I think is to stay on top of things. I know at times I'm tempted to just throw the paper on the table and say "I'll get to that later" But later is sometimes a pile of papers later. So make spots for things, a filing cabinet, a magazine holder, whatever works for you. It will be easier and it will save you time to put it there.
And as for cleaning, do it little by little. I have a really hard time doing dishes when they are overflowing, but if I do a little after each meal, I actually stay on top of it. I'm no perfectionist. There are definitely times the sink looks sad, but I try, and it helps.
3. Talk
Talk at the dinner table. If you're home alone, invite a guest or a neighbor in need. TALK and communication is important in any relationship. Talk about the day, talk about your values. Better yet, ask. Listen to what your loved ones have to say. See how you can help each other, even if it's just listening.
I don't feel that this is as important as the above three ways in brightening up your kitchen, but I thought it worth mentioning. Keep your kitchen bright, keep it yours. Use color schemes that make you happy or calm. Use décor that makes you smile. If you saw an idea on pintrest to decorate your kitchen in popcorn tins, great! Do it!...If you like it. But, if popcorn isn't your thing, find another idea that pleases you.
Keep your kitchen reflective of the best you, in the way that it looks, but more importantly, in the way that it feels. Make it a place of welcome and caring. Make it the safe haven of your home.
Sydney Hill
Weekly Newsletter Contributer since 2012