Crazy Kitchen Gadgets You’ve Never Heard Of
There tends to be a lot of weddings this time of year, which gets me brainstorming on kitchen gadgets- because honestly that's the first place my mind goes! I recently came across an article that listed a bunch of unique gadgets- some of them cracked me up, while others I thought were just plain genius! It made me wonder what else is out there, and I had a lot of fun looking through the different ideas people have come up with! Just for kicks and giggles, I'd thought I'd share a few of the more interesting ones with you!
The Spaghetti Measure- this is one I could actually use. I never have any idea how many ounces I'm cooking- I just toss in an amount that seems good and go with it;).

Wide Bag Caps- These intrigue me… They could be very dangerous because they make the chips so easily accessible… haha:). But seriously, I do wonder how well these keep things fresh- my clips work pretty well for now;).

The Double Dish- it's probably just as easy to have two separate bowls, but this definitely looks cooler;)

Spice Bomb- for those who like flavor and hate texture;). I'd be curious to taste the difference between a soup where all the spices are thrown in vs a soup make with a spice bomb… I'm not so picky in texture that I would invest in one, but it sure is interesting to think about:) (I definitely know some picky people that would use this;) ).

Fruit Infusing Ice Balls- I don't know that these are really all that easier than just freezing fruit in ice cube trays, but they definitely look cooler! I love the spheres of ice:).

Ravioli Rolling Pin- I can't say that I make ravioli often enough to warrant this purchase, but I'm pretty sure I would have a blast doing it! My husband is really into making pasta, so maybe this could be a fun Father's Day gift;).

Mini Ice Cream Sandwich Press- Again, not something I make very often, but how cute are these?! You don't ever need an excuse for ice cream, but these are just so cute that you'd have an excuse as a backup just in case;). And you could put together any combination of flavors you wanted… yeah, thinking about my waistline, maybe I'd better not get this… ;).

Cake Slice Marker Set- My husband and I have very different ideas of how big a slice of cake is deemed a serving, so I don't know how effective these would be at my household;). But when you're ignoring the hubby and making sure everyone gets the same sized slice, these could be handy! ;)

Never Soggy Cereal Bowl- I love this one. I hate soggy cereal, and there are some cereals (like Fruity Pebbles!) that get soggy so fast. I usually pour in a few spoonfuls at a time to keep the cereal crisp, so this is a bowl that could definitely come in handy!

It's fun to see all the creative ideas out there (some more helpful than others;) ). What is the craziest kitchen gadget you have seen? I would love to hear! Share below:).
Camille Hoffmann
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
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