Disney Adventures: Sleeping Beauty

Welcome back, adventurers! This week we watched and made food from Sleeping Beauty. My all-time favorite Disney Princess movie. It is such a classic fairytale, and it is told so well through Disney. My focus shouldn’t be on the story today, it should be on the food. While food isn’t a huge part of the movie, we still had a lot of fun making some of the stuff. The most notable food in Sleeping Beauty is the hilariously awful cake Fauna tries to make for Aurora’s 16th birthday celebration. However, you may recall the feast the two kings’ eat when they toast to their children’s future in the “skumps” song. There was a ham, fish, and turkey shown that we skipped over (having made them previously).

The very first food shown is when Merryweather conjures ginger snaps and tea out of thin air. The ginger snaps were easily my favorite food that we made out of this whole movie. With an almond jelly roll in close second. Ginger does wonders for upset stomachs, and is good for dogs, too! Our pooch has a very sensitive stomach, and ginger is a great treat for her on those terrible-tummy days.

I loved trying all of the different recipes from this movie. It’s set in the 14th century. Right in the middle of medieval awesomeness. So we tried to keep our recipes as medieval as possible. We made something called strawberye, which is like a strawberry pudding, but lighter. We made bread pudding, and hippocras (spiced wine/grape juice), also an almond roll with jelly, Brussel sprouts, and rice pudding. The rice pudding was a surprising recipe. I guess back in the day they didn’t make rice pudding with milk or any sort of dairy base. It was more like a sweet rice. We cooked rice in water, added lots of sugar and some pistachios, a pinch of saffron and some rose water, then chilled it. It tasted pretty good, but I think I like dairy-based rice pudding better. We also got to bake sweet potatoes and a cherry-berry cake.

I don’t think anything on the food list from Sleeping Beauty was bad. I’m grateful we have cleaner cooking methods and understand food poisoning today. In medieval times it was rare to wash your hands at all. Our food common sense today would have been scoffed at back then for being magical trickery. Though no one seemed to mind that 3 fairies were using magic all over the place…

Next week features more dogs! 101 of them to be exact. Actually, they’re all Dalmatians. My dog Roxie says, “mmmmmmm!”

See disneymeals.wordpress.com for our full adventures!

    Mary Hildebrandt
    Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
    Email the author! maryh@dvo.com