13 Tips for a Squeaky Clean Kitchen from Restaurant Chefs

If anybody knows a good, clean kitchen its restaurant chefs. I saw a few really helpful tips for use in the home that were given by chefs and others who work in restaurants on how they keep things squeaky clean so I thought I’d pass them along.

1. Use lemons to clean a greasy stovetop.

"Messy/greasy stovetop? Use fresh lemons — it acts as a degreaser. Just place a halved lemon between a washcloth (lemon facing down) and use it as a scrubber."

2. Use hydrogen peroxide to remove stubborn stains from chef whites (and any other laundry you may have stained).

"Scrubbing with hydrogen peroxide and a few drops of dish soap before doing laundry will take any stain out of white chef coats."

I’ve always been amazed of how crisp and white chef coats are when thinking about oils and spaghettie sauces and things like that that stain so easily. I’m happy to finally know the secret!

3. Use coffee filters to clean glass without leaving streaks behind.

"I was a hostess, so keeping that area clean was my job. I learned that to give the windows and mirrors a beautiful streak-free shine, use coffee filters."

4. Boil scorched pots with dish soap to remove the stubborn black layer.

"I TOASTED a pan (totally burnt it) and my chef taught me this trick: To clean a frying pan, fill it half way with water, add a single drop of soap, and put it back on the burner. Bring the pan to a rolling boil, and use your spatula to loosen up the burnt bits. Just rinse in hot water and your pan will sparkle like new!"

5. Drape a towel over the bowl of your mixer to prevent flour from flying everywhere.

"Drape a kitchen towel or plastic wrap over a stand mixer (before turning it on) to help contain any flour or liquid that kicks up."

6. Use boiling water to dissolve sugary bits stuck to the bottom of a pot.

"Sugar breaks down in hot water. Jam, honey, caramel, corn syrup, and even marshmallow will eventually break down in simmering water (and adding lemon juice will help dissolve any crystallized bits)."

7. To clean dirty coffee pots, wash them in a solution of water, salt, and lemons.

"Clean the inside of a crusty coffee pot with hot water, salt, and lemon juice. Dump it all in, let it sit for a bit, swish swish, and dump."

8. Soak up oil spills with salt.

"Say you dropped a pan of bacon fat or broke a bottle of olive oil on the floor — just cover the spill with salt. The salt holds onto the fat and makes it easier to sweep up. Then just mop/wipe up any residual oil with cleaner."

9. Use metal scrubbies

"Use a metal sponge instead of a regular kitchen sponge to clean tough messes off of metal pans."

10. Use microfiber cloths to polish glasses, and Shamwows for polishing silverware.

"Microfiber cloths for polishing glassware, Shamwows for silverware — trust me."

Alright, “patrickfc” I don’t know who you are but I guess I’m gonna trust you. Period. :)

11. Soak silverware in hot water before polishing them to get rid of any water marks.

"When polishing silverware, if they're not straight out of the dishwasher, put them in a pitcher of hot water before polishing them to easily wipe off any water marks."

12. Polish stainless steel with Windex.

"Polish it off with a bit of paper towel and it'll look lovely. I use it to get my sinks looking beautiful and my taps, towel racks, and door handles shiny."

13. Use cooking oil as a DIY adhesive remover for those stubborn sticky residues.

"In restaurants we have to label all of our products with tape or stickers, and sometimes the newbies throw them in the dishwasher without removing the stickers. To get the residue off, pour some oil on the container, rub it with a paper towel or rag, and rinse it off with soap and water."

*Another sticker tip: the easiest way to get stickers off of something in the first place is to blow dry it on the hot setting for a few seconds and it will peel right off! Easy peasy.

I’m always looking for easy ways to keep my kitchen looking sparkling clean. I hope you found some of these tips as useful as I did!

  •   www.buzzfeed.com

    Mary Richardson
    Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
    Email the author! mary@dvo.com

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