How To Make Perfect Scrambled Eggs

Scrambled Eggs. One of the most basic recipes, and yet, how easy is it to mess them up?? I’ve been making scrambled eggs for years, and yet, I still feel like I haven’t mastered this basic recipe, and as I was talking to my mother-in-law, I realized that I’m not the only one! So let’s crack this egg open (ba-dum-ch). How exactly do you make perfect scrambled eggs?
One of the biggest keys is to whip the eggs thoroughly. I’ll be honest- I tend to go the lazy route because I hate doing dishes; it may just be adding one extra bowl and whisk, but still! Dishes are dishes ;). I crack all the eggs right into the pan and attempt to whisk them right there. If you’re going for perfect scrambled eggs, that’s definitely not the way to go. Whisk them in a separate bowl and beat them like crazy! You want the yolk and egg white to be completely beaten together. All that extra air will also make your eggs extra fluffy!
You’ll also want to put a little butter in the pan. Not only does this add to the flavor, but you’ll avoid having your eggs stick to the pan too much!
Another thing to remember is that patience pays off! A key element to good scrambled eggs is to cook them slowly. It’s tempting to turn the heat up to speed the egg-cooking process (especially when your kids are asking for the umpteenth time why the eggs aren’t done ;) ), but you’ll end up with brown, dry eggs, instead of creamy, pretty eggs if you cook them to fast at too high of a temperature! Although to be honest, I personally prefer them a little dry and brown :). But if you’re shooting for classic, fluffy, soft scrambled eggs, take your time when cooking them.
That being said, a big factor of how your eggs will turn out is how you stir them! Ideally, you want to use a heat-resistant silicone spatula. If you’re going for creamier, soft-scrambled eggs, you want to stir more frequently, where the eggs really don’t have the chance to create large curds. However, if you’re going for fluffy, less creamy eggs, you want to stir less frequently- let them sit for awhile when you first put them in the pan and then once the bottom has had time to set, you can begin slowly scraping and stirring.
Something else to keep in mind- eggs have a carryover cook time. To achieve creamy and fluffy eggs, you actually want to remove your eggs from the heat just before they’re done- the residual heat will continue to cook them, and you’ll avoid drying them out. You can even begin dishing them out onto your family’s plates- give them a couple minutes, and those eggs will finish cooking and firm up all on their own!
The biggest thing to remember- everyone has different tastes ;). Honestly- I prefer chewier, denser scrambled eggs compared to fluffy, airy eggs. If your family prefers their eggs a certain way, then just stick with what you know! And experiment until you figure out the perfect method for your family :). Try different stirring techniques, adding different cheeses and spices and different cook times until you hit the perfect scrambled egg recipe for you.
Do you have any special tricks or methods to making scrambled eggs? Let’s hear your wisdom in the comments below!
Camille Hoffmann
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
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