New Year’s Resolutions Straight From the Kitchen!

Happy New Year! Well, almost ;). My husband and I celebrate our anniversary just a few days before New Year’s, and we’ve made it kind of a tradition to talk about the previous year- what went well, and what we’d like to work on in the future. I’m all about making lists and goals, so New Year’s Resolutions are right up my ally! And whether you think resolutions are worthless or not- I believe wholeheartedly that they hold value- when you take them seriously. It’s definitely worthless to make a list of goals you have no intention of actually committing to. But when you have things in your life you really want to change-habits to break, new skills to develop- actually writing down those goals can have a huge impact on your life!
As you’re writing out your goals for the new year, don’t forget the ones that involve the kitchen ;). Food is such a big part of our lives, whether it’s for fun or function- it makes sense that at least one of our resolutions would revolve around it, right? Here are some possible goals YOU can make as you think about the kind of person you want to become over the next year!
*Invite someone over to dinner every month. This is a great excuse to try those fancy recipes you always want to make and never do! And it’s a great way to get to know people in your neighborhood better and make friends!
*Try making something you’ve never made before! Homemade tortillas, a bundt cake, fudge, steak, homemade noodles, cheesecake, canned salsa- think of some basic (or exotic!) recipes you’ve never tried, and make it a goal to make at least one!
*Make it a goal to create a meal plan every week. You’ll save so much money and mental energy doing this one thing! It’s even easier if you have themes for every night- Meatless Monday, Italian Tuesday, Leftover Wednesday, etc.
*Commit to always leaving the kitchen sink clean at night- that means you always do the dishes before bed, no matter how late (of course, you won’t have to do them late if you do them right after dinner!) This is one habit I’ve gotten better at over the past year- and it’s made a world of difference for me!
*Figure out how you can work more vegetables in your diet! Maybe you learn how to make spaghetti squash noodles, or maybe you simply commit to having a serving of veggies with every meal! (spinach in your scrambled eggs, a side of carrots with your sandwich, a helping of steamed broccoli with your spaghetti!).
*Drink more water! This is one of the simplest and cheapest ways to improve your health- and it really makes a difference!
*Make it a goal to cook with your kids at least once a week. I always have the intention of letting my kids help me, but when it comes to the day to day- life is busy and I’m just trying to get dinner on the table as quickly as possible! Setting aside at least one night that is specifically for the kids will make sure that they get that opportunity. You’ll spend time bonding, you’ll help them build critical skills- and you’ll find that it actually is fun ;).
What are some of your New Year’s Resolutions? I’d love to hear them!
Camille Hoffmann
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
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