Why Store GARLIC?
By now you’ve likely picked up on the fact that I’m pro food storage. For lots of reasons I’m pro food storage. One of the biggest reasons is that we live in uncertain times and I have a deep need to at least feel somewhat in control of my circumstances. Food storage does that for me.

So with this little introduction, I’m going to suggest we should all be storing GARLIC. I hadn’t thought much about garlic storage until I read Linda Loosli’s thoughts on the subject (www.foodstoragemom.com). Here are her reasons for garlic-storage:
Everything tastes better with garlic in it. (Yes, I know this is a blanket statement and strong opinion. But when used with a light hand, garlic is a natural flavor-enhancer.)
It’s a natural pain killer. You can smash a clove and put it inside your mouth/cheek near a toothache until you can get to the dentist.
It takes any bread and makes it better. For instance, to make garlic bread drizzle olive oil over the minced garlic on the bread and bake. Just this little gourmet touch can turn a bare-bones soup-and-bread meal into a feast.
It is THE secret to staving off or healing from a cold or sinus infection. You add mashed garlic cloves to chicken broth. Add a miniscule pinch of cayenne pepper and let the healing begin. Having a good remedy on hand is important in situations where you can’t easily get to a clinic or doctor!
It’s an excellent remedy for athlete’s foot. Simply rub rub a few cloves on your sore feet or soak your feet in a warm bath with a few peeled cloves.
Chopped or minced, it adds spizzaz and health benefits to your savory salsa recipes.
It can even be eaten along; just peel and drizzle with olive oil then bake.
It helps reduce risks of certain cancers such as colorectal, stomach, pancreas, breast cancer to name a few.
It adds increased flavor to all pasta sauces (especially lasagna).
It helps stave off or halt osteoarthritis.
It’s low in calories and HIGH in vitamins and minerals (Magnesium, Vitamin C, and B6 to name a few).
It can help prevent hair loss (by rubbing peeled cloves into your hair at the roots; not sure I could do this, though).
It helps clear blemishes and psoriasis when you rub peeled cloves over your skin (again, not sure I could do this, but hey, it’s good to know).
It has powerful anti-inflammatory properties.
It is a natural bug repellent (especially on mosquitoes). Mix some minced cloves in with Vaseline® or beeswax and rub it on your skin. Or places several mashed cloves in water; allow to sit for several hours. Then spray on skin when needed.
It helps reduce high blood pressure.
It can lower your LDL in cholesterol.
It is a powerful antioxidant and thus boosts the immune system.

This last reason, boosting the immune system, is perhaps the main reason you need garlic on hand. Research shows that the stress a disaster brings on sends the immune system spiraling down. A broken immune system leaves you vulnerable to every virus and disease that’ll show up (and show up they do). So the more you can do to stay strong and prevent getting ill, the better off you are.
This is a simple way to start preparing for what may come. It’s just smart to prepare NOW, so you can cope well later!
- www.mamabee.com
- www.nytimes.com
- www.everydayhealth.com
- www.powerakademy.com
- www.cnbc.com
Alice Osborne
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2006
Email the author! alice@dvo.com