Kitchen Cheat Sheets Every Cook Could Use

Here’s a fact: Almost anybody with the proper training and a genuine interest in excellent food and its preparation can become an exceptional imaginative chef. This is the stand that the folks at the helpful sight,, take anyway. And I’d tend to agree.
With this theme in mind, here are a few kitchen cheat sheets that every cook could use to improve cooking and baking skills. This information is meant to be used as a guide and tool when experimenting with the endless variations of mixing techniques.

I created a chapter in Cook’n with a straight forward title, “Kitchen Cheat Sheets.” Then I copied and pasted these into this chapter. Hoping you’ll find this information helpful also, I thought I’d pass it on.
I’ve started with a simple conversion chart for the benefit of our newbie cooks in the Cook’n audience. But the charts that follow provide information that’s not as common.

Finally, a SPICE USE chart:

Alice Osborne
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2006
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