How To STICK To Your Resolutions!

I think we’ve all been there- it’s a new year, we have high hopes and feel driven and motivated to become the person we’ve always wanted to be. THIS is going to be our year! And then something comes up. Maybe it’s a particularly rough day, some bad news, a hectic week- something that causes us an obstacle in our goals, and we find ourselves in the same old rut of wanting to reach goals- but never quite getting there.
Last year was a really good one for me. I made a few important goals for myself (losing weight, reading 45 books, daily scripture study, to name a few) and I feel that I actually met my goals last year. Usually I find myself falling off the bandwagon by February, but last year was different- and it was so rewarding! I’m trying to remind myself of that as I am now 20 weeks pregnant with child #5 and slowly losing my energy every day ;). I made a goal to keep exercising throughout my pregnancy, and while I’m still doing it- it’s definitely getting harder! It’s taking a lot of motivation to keep going ;).
You may not have the same goals as me, but I think we all have ways we want to improve and be better, and we let things get in the way! If you’re starting to feel that loss of motivation with your New Year’s Resolutions, here are some things to keep you going and to help you on your path!
*Don’t overbook yourself. One of the habits I’ve been trying to establish is to never fall behind on dishes…… oh boy. I have 4 children and a hungry husband and there are ALWAYS dishes. And no matter how hard I try, inevitably a really busy day comes up or a late night with family and I find myself staring at a sink full of dishes all over again. Make sure you leave time for the basics! When scheduling outings with friends, community service, kid’s activities, etc- make sure you leave time for yourself and the basics! If you have something scheduled for Thursday and Saturday night, leave Friday night open to give yourself time to get those habits and goals accomplished that you’re working towards!
*Plan ahead. If you have a goal like eating healthier meals or learning a new baking skill- you have to plan ahead! If you know you’ll have to rush off to work in the mornings, prepare something the night before. Use Sunday as a meal prep day. Set aside Saturday afternoons as baking time. Look at your schedule, and plan ahead to make sure you leave enough time for your goals!
*Progress is still worth celebrating. Last year I set a goal to read 45 books. I read 42. I could say I completely failed- but honestly, I still feel really good about that goal! I read more books than I would have if I hadn’t set that goal, and I’ve spent time reflecting on what I could change this year to make that goal possible. Progress itself can be just as valuable as actually reaching a goal!
*Be forgiving of yourself. Maybe you’re trying to cut out sugar, and you slipped and ate a cookie. Maybe your goal was to make dinner every night, and you were just too tired and ordered take-out on Thursday night. When we mess up once or twice, we tend to think “Well, that’s it. I failed. What’s the point in continuing?” Understand that you’re human and that you’re going to mess up- and it’s ok! Reflect on what went wrong, pick up where you left off and keep going! Goals are all about improving, right? ;)
*Remind yourself WHY. When we make a goal, we’re usually highly motivated because of something. Maybe you want to spend more time in the kitchen with your children/grandchildren because you want to build a relationship with them and you want them to learn a valuable skill. Maybe you’re trying to cut out sugar because you’re tired of feeling tired all the time. Maybe you’re trying to cook at home every night to save money for that dream vacation- whatever your motivation is, remind yourself constantly! Put a note on your fridge, your mirror. Write it down in a special journal and take time to reflect on that goal. Keeping that motivation at the front of your mind can make all the difference in achieving a goal!
What tips do you have to stick with your goals? I’d love to hear them!
Camille Hoffmann
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
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