Mamas- You Rock.

Did you know that Google photos has this handy feature that allows you to search through your own photos for particular items? For example, I can type in “chickens” and find all the pictures I’ve uploaded with chickens.
The other day I was trying to find a particular picture from a few years ago for an article. I had typed in a few words with no success, so I finally typed in the general term “food” to see what would come up.
I didn’t find the picture. But you know what I did see?
So. Many. Pictures. Yes, of food- but the stories behind the food? I’m not gonna lie. I felt pretty good about my mama self.

I saw numerous photos of birthday cakes. I’ve always made my kids birthday cakes, and with 6 kids, the oldest being 11, and every other year behind that…. Well, that’s quite a few cakes! And many times, those cakes were made late into the night the evening before their birthday, because that’s when I actually had time to make it happen!

I saw photos of spaghetti and deep dish pizzas. I loathe marinara sauce. But I love my husband, who could drink marinara sauce. And so I’ve made many dishes over the years that don’t appeal to my tastes- but definitely for my sweet hubby’s.

I saw pictures of meals that totally failed. I remember one night in particular when I had just had a baby and was so excited to cook for my family (because it’s amazing how much energy comes back when you’re NOT pregnant!) and the whole meal bombed! The pork roast took WAY longer to cook than the recipe instructed, the mashed potatoes were soupy, and the green beans were bland and nasty. I put so much effort into that meal- and it was a total fail!
But I also saw complete successes- A Christmas Eve spread of homemade German pancakes and potatoes, eggs and cheese. An Easter finger food smorgasbord. 6 glorious pies made in my small trailer. Disney nights with themed food. Dr. Suess snacks and Valentine’s food boards and red and green treats homemade for Christmas time. Beautiful cakes for birthdays, baby showers, and other celebrations.

Basically, a whole lot of sacrifice and love summed in a few pictures of food. And not just my sacrifice- my sister putting together a fun “losing your hair” party for her son because he had cancer. They decorated sugar cookie men with or without hair, decked out string cheeses with noodle hair and bowled over hair products with oranges. My mother-in-law painstakingly putting together a many layered cake for her husband on Father’s Day- because it’s his favorite, and she loves him. My mama putting together an epic spread of goodies for decorating gingerbread houses and having all the adult children and grandchildren over for sheer chaos and fun. And these are just a few examples from these women.
Mamas- you rock. Sometimes, I know it can feel like we’re not seen or appreciated. The days feel long, we wonder if the work we are doing is of any importance, if being a homemaker, home chef, home baker, is worth the enormous effort!
But I see you. I see the late nights kneading bread and waiting for cinnamon rolls to rise. I see the painstaking care taken to prep a birthday meal just right. I see the many afternoons slaving over a hot stove when all you want to do is take a break, but you know your family needs to eat. I see the cookies of comfort when tears are shed and teenagers need a listening ear. I see the overwhelming love and sacrifice. Because I do it for my own children- and I have been blessed to be the recipient by my own wonderful mother and mother-in-law.
A mama’s job is not easy. I hope you mamas feel loved and appreciated this Mother’s Day. But if you don’t, know that THIS mama sees you and is so grateful for all the good mamas in the world! There is no more important job than raising children.
Happy Mother’s Day!
Camille Hoffmann
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
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