Spotify your Cook'n!
A few years ago, my boy Jackson signed up for Spotify for $11.99 per month so he could listen to his music ad free. But, his younger brothers were still in High School and couldn't afford to pay $12 per month for a Spotify subscription.
So, whenever his brothers used Spotify to listen to their favorite music, they had to endure advertisements every few songs. And, if a song came on that they didn't really like, they couldn't skip it. There were other limitations too since they weren't paying customers.
One day, while playing basketball in the gym at the church, the boys were listening to music (and annoying commercials and songs they couldn't skip) and that's when the idea hit them!
Jackson's brother, Carson, said "hey Jack! Why don't you sign up for the Spotify Family Plan?!! It's only $20/month and you get 6 accounts! That way, me & Andan can have a premium account and you can give an account to Danny and Mom & Dad too! And, instead of paying $12 per month, we can each pay $3 per month!"

Jackson loved the idea because instead of paying $12 per month, he had to only pay $3 per month. His two brothers Carson and Andan loved it because $3 per month was something they could afford.
And, I didn't mind it either. I mean...I don't listen to music on Spotify enough to justify paying $11.99 per month. But, when the boys approached me with the idea, I said "sure! For $3 per's worth it to me."
Needless to say, it was a genius idea! Now, we all listen to Spotify and once per year, we Venmo Jackson a few bucks and it doesn't break the bank for anyone! Brilliant!!
Well, guess what! Now that we introduced the new Family Plan membership option, you can do that with Cook'n too!
Think about could sign up for a Premium Annual Membership for $12.49 per month (that's $149.95 per year divided by 12 months). Or, you could sign up for the Premium Family Plan which gives you 5 seats for only $3 per month (that's $189.95 per year divided by 12 months divided by 5 people).
Brilliant!! Sign up for Premium Family Plan and divide the cost between you and your siblings or parents or friends.
That way, you each get your own Cook'n account with Premium Member Benefits. That means:
- A total AD-FREE experience for only $3 per month
- Unlimited Captures & Scans
- Unlimited access to the Cook'n Cloud
- Free Tech Support
- Access to the Cook'n Web App
- Sync to Unlimited # of Devices
- Cook'n A.I. Recipe Recommendations
- Access to Premium Features
- 12 Free Cookbook Downloads
- Access to the Cook'n Forum
- 52 5-Day Meal Plans
All this for only $3 per month!
If the Premium Plan is too rich for your least sign up for the Basic plan so you can backup your recipes to the Cook'n Cloud for safe keeping and sync your recipes to all of your devices.
For example, you could sign up for a Basic Annual Membership for $4.16 per month (that's $49.95 per year divided by 12 months). Or, you could sign up for the Basic Family Plan which gives you 5 seats for only $1.49 per month (that's $89.95 per year divided by 12 months divided by 5 people).
Genius!! Sign up for Basic Family Plan and it's only $1.49 per month when you divide the cost between you and your friends.
But, do you know what is best of all? Using Cook'n with family & friends is much more fun and engaging because you can tap "I Made This" to post your Made recipes for your family & friends to see. Then, you can compete with your family & friends to see who can get more 'Likes' and to see who can get the highest rank on the Cook'n Leaderboards!
Click here to sign up for a Cook'n Family Plan today and tell your family & friends that it's time to get Cook'n Good Look'n!!
Or, if you're already a subscriber, upgrade to the Family Plan and give 4 annual memberships for Christmas only $10 each. What a value! Kathy went Christmas shopping last week and said she couldn't even find stocking stuffers for $10 each.
Sign up today so you can give a $149 Cook'n Premium Membership for only $10 and be the best mom ever!

NOTE: This is a limited-time offer. Take advantage now while you can!
Dan Oaks
Founder of DVO Enterprises
Creator of Cook'n
Father of 5. Husband of 1.
Monthly Newsletter Contributor since 2024
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