The Wonders of a State Fair
By Whitney Saupan
If you've never had the opportunity or desire to go to a state fair, you are missing out. Fairs are great! There's fun carnival rides, midway games, amazing (or not so amazing) entertainment and of course a ton of great food! I live in Utah and our state fair is currently happening. It began on September 5 and runs until September 15. One of my favorite things about the fair is the crazy, delicious food that's available. I'm not sure about in other states, but in Utah we have fried green Jell-O, and although it sounds weird, it's actually pretty good. This random food made me wonder if other states have unique fair food. So I did a little research and I found some state fairs taking place this month and what interesting foods they have to offer!

First, here's a list of all the state fairs taking place this month!
- The Kansas State Fair: September 6-15
- The Massachusetts State Fair: September 13-29
- The New Mexico State Fair: September 11-22
- The Oklahoma State Fair: September 12-22
- The Tennessee State Fair: September 6-15
- The Texas State Fair: September 27-October 20 (Things really are bigger in Texas)
- The Utah State Fair: September 5-15
- The Virginia State Fair: September 27-October 6
- The Washington State Fair: September 6-22
After looking these fairs up, I have a new goal! I want to go to every state's fair at least once in my life! Now I can check Utah off!
Now onto the food!
State fair food is some of the best of food around. If you're looking for deep fried deliciousness the state fair is the place for you! Here's a list, complete with pictures, of some of the most interesting and tasty treats a state fair has to offer!
- Fried Ravioli
Fried Lemonade
- Funnel Cakes
Fried Jelly Beans
- Fried Green Jello
Fried Macaroni and Cheese
- Southern Fried Peach Pies
Pizza Cones
- Fried Beer
Fried Candy Bars
Whitney Saupan
Weekly Newsletter Contributer since 2013