You know that apple cider vinegar is a green cleaning dynamo, but what about the diet and health uses for apple cider vinegar? In an article I just read on one of my favorite sites, Care2, author Becky Striepe says:
"Versatile apple cider vinegar (ACV for short), can top salads, can be used to make pickles, and can then clean the counters afterwards. Then, you can apply it to your skin and even drink the stuff for all sorts of health benefits.
"What ACV has in spades, health-wise, is acetic acid, which helps your body better absorb vitamins and minerals in the food that you eat. That acetic acid also slows down digestive enzymes, regulating blood sugar levels, which can definitely contribute to overall better health."
And here are some other benefits, including taking a tablespoon or two of apple cider vinegar everyday (diluted in water or juice makes it palatable). At first it may taste nasty, but persevere—the benefits are worth it!
ACV Tea for a Sore Throat—Combine 1 tablespoon vinegar in 1 cup hot water. (Add a sweetener of your choice if you have a hard time drinking this as-is.)
ACV to prevent high cholesterol, regulate blood pressure, and improve heart health—just put 2 tablespoons of ACV in a shot glass, and slug it. Chase with a little juice, if you need to wash away the strong vinegar flavor quickly. There's even research showing that taking a shot of ACV before bed can help regulate blood sugar levels.
Wart removal—applied topically. They'll drop right off over a little time.
Dandruff Treatment—Got dandruff? ACV to the rescue! Rinse freshly washed hair with diluted ACV: hair will be squeaky clean, shiny bright, and dandruff disappears.
Natural Heartburn Remedy—while swallowing something acidic sounds counter-intuitive when you're trying to get rid of heartburn, but it works. Take 1 tablespoon in a little water and count on relief.
Homemade Astringent to Beat Acne—the natural acids in apple cider vinegar can help. Rich in Alpha Hydroxy acids, ACV dissolves fatty deposits on the skin, which appear as little flakes or dry patches. The PH of your skin is then balanced. Even sun and age spots are lightened because of its high amount of Alpha Hydroxy Acid.
For an ACV astringent, dilute 1 part apple cider vinegar with 3 parts water. Apply topically. If you can handle this after a week then decrease the water ratio. If you feel it is too strong for your skin, increase the water ratio.
Using a clean cotton ball or q-tip dab the solution onto the affected area and leave on for about 20 minutes then rinse off. This should be repeated 2-3 times a day until the acne clears.
Soothe a Sunburn—ACV can help your body bounce back from a sunburn. First, soak in a tub with a couple cups of ACV added to the water. Then pat dry and apply undiluted ACV topically with cotton balls. I follow up with sap from my aloevera plant and enjoy the soothing that comes next.
Stop Leg Cramps in their Tracks—Scientists looked at how consuming vinegar affected muscle cramps, and their findings were dramatic! Though to be fair, pickle juice will do the same thing, but with all of its other health benefits, you may as well use ACV instead, right?
Alice Osborne
Weekly Newsletter Contributer since 2006