Make the Most of the This Month With These Timeless Traditions!

Well it's finally arrived- my all-time favorite month of the year!! There is just something so magical about this time of year. One of the things I really love about Christmas is all the traditions that seem to take hold. We have a DARLING new advent calendar, and with a new home, I have felt a pressing need to start establishing some fun traditions that will bring my family closer together and closer to Christ. After asking friends and family and doing my own research, I have quite a list that I'd love to share with you!
*Have a Bethlehem dinner. Eat dinner by candlelight, and have the menu consist of traveler's foods such as figs, olives, nuts, cheese, bread, grape juice, etc. Read Luke 2 and reflect on the Christmas story.
*The night you set up your Christmas tree, have a sleepover under the tree!
*Make your own little gingerbread houses using graham crackers and an assortment of Christmas treats.
*Pop some popcorn and drive around your county looking at all the light displays (especially the ones coordinated with music!)
*Open a brand new set of PJ's on Christmas Eve. These can be store-bought or homemade!
*Wrap 25 Christmas books. Each night, let your child unwrap one and read that story to him/her.
*Do 12 Days of Christmas for a family in need. Doorbell ditch something each night; toys, groceries, gift cards, clothing, etc.
*Listen to/Read the Polar Express in your pajamas and drink hot cocoa!
*Read, attend a play, or listen to a recording of Charles Dicken's A Christmas Carol. My family used to listen to a recording of Patrick Stewart reading this novel while eating popcorn, drinking Martenelli's sparkling cider, and coloring our Christmas coloring books around the tree. It's still one of my favorite memories!
*Make and decorate your own sugar cookies and leave them for Santa.
*Leave some food for the reindeer as well! Carrots, lettuce, or a bag of oats do nicely;).
*Begin the tradition of the pickle ornament! Each Christmas, Santa hides our pickle ornament in the tree. The first person to find it gets a special treat or small prize.
*Do a secret act of service for someone in your family. We used to have A Service Star that we would leave on someone's pillow, letting them know that someone had served them, and it was their turn to pass it on!
*Go Christmas caroling to a nursing home, a grandparent, or even your neighbors.
*Have a Christmas picnic. Turn off all the lights except the Christmas tree. Lay a blanket on the floor next to the tree and enjoy a special dinner- I think finger foods would be best for this activity;).
*Recreate the Nativity story with your children. Read Luke 2 and act it out. Bear testimony of the Savior.
*Have a special stocking hung up. On Christmas Eve, have everyone write a letter to the Savior telling Him what they are thankful for and what they will do to improve in the upcoming year. Fill the stocking with these letters. You can go back and read these the following year, or even on New Year's Eve to start the year off right.
*Create a list of all the many blessings your family has received.
*Talk about how Jesus is the Light of the World. Turn off all the lights, and talk with your children about how the dark makes us feel (alone, scared, etc). Give everyone a tea light (electronic is best so you can actually light it), and talk about how Jesus is the light of the world. Slowly go through the house and turn on each light while singing Christmas hymns about the Savior, and end at the fully lit Christmas tree.

I hope your family enjoys doing a couple of these traditions. Whatever you do this season, be sure to spend lots of time together as a family, as well as spending time to reflect on the Savior and all He means to you.
What special traditions does your family have? I would love to add to my list, so please share your ideas below!
Camille Hoffmann
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
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