What You Should Be Stuffing This Holiday Season.

Haha that definitely made me giggle ;). This time of year is a wonderful one, no doubt about it. However, it is infamous for one thing- weight gain! There are so many delicious goodies this time of year and plenty of opportunities to meet with loved ones (which usually means good food; ) ), and all this makes it hard to not gain a couple pounds over the holiday season!
So what do you do if you don't want to be a Scrooge, but don't want to look like the Ghost of Christmas Present, either? Here are a few suggestions to make sure you stuff your stockings and not your face! ;)
Portion control. This is so basic, but often during the holiday season we tend to overeat simply because the food is in front of us and it tastes so great! Make it a goal to only have one helping at dinnertime, and make sure that helping is a reasonable size. By all means, don't starve yourself- but before you grab that second helping of mashed potatoes or peppermint fudge, ask yourself if you're truly hungry or if your taste buds just think you are.

Don't skimp on the exercise! It's so hard to make it to the gym this time of year with all the festivities that are going on- but it's just as important as ever, if not more so. Do a workout at home if you can't make it to the gym, or even go on a brisk winter walk. You definitely want to make time for fun and festivities, but don't sacrifice taking care of your body to do it!

Keep it simple. It's hard to not want to do EVERYTHING this time of year. With all the tasty recipes going around, it's easy to go overboard and make more than you need- which usually means you eat way more than you need:). Remember that there is always another Christmas coming if you don't get a chance to make that special cookie recipe you've been wanting to try. Use what you have before creating more sweets!
Think healthy. I know when a party comes along, I tend to think of the most unhealthy thing I can think of, since that generally seems to be the tastiest as well;). But there are plenty of healthy things that can be tasty and festive too! Create a festive veggie tray, or look for healthier substitutes for your baking recipes.

Stuff the stocking smartly. I am definitely guilty on this one- I try to be frugal during the year, but around Christmastime I have a really hard time not spending tons of money on all the tasty sweets I don't normally buy! While it's definitely ok to get a couple fun treats for your stocking, try to fill it with a couple healthier options as well. Nuts, dried fruits, or gum would all be tasty stocking stuffers that are a little friendlier to your waist;).
While we may not follow all these guidelines to a T, if we keep them in mind they can definitely help us keep off a few of those dreaded Christmas pounds;). May your month be filled with mindful and tasty eating;).
- https://www.superhealthykids.com/holiday-veggie-tray-creamy-ranch-dip/
- https://iubimsigatim.ro/tag/retete/
- https://validusfitness.wordpress.com/
- https://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20307139,00.html
Camille Hoffmann
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
Email the author! camille@dvo.com