The Ultimate Pet Peeve

My husband is a pretty simple man. He loves the outdoors, books, and technology. He enjoys playing the piano, reading, playing board games, and spending time with his family.
He also has a huge pet peeve. He loves food, and he is one of the most generous men I know and he’ll share with me, his kids, whoever. HOWEVER-
You know the situation. You’re at a sit-down restaurant. You’re finishing up your meal, and the waitress comes up and asks if anyone would like to order dessert- most of the time, everyone looks around, says “No, thanks”, and that’s that. At that point, my husband (who also really loves dessert) will order the tasty dessert that he has been craving all night. The order is in, conversation continues, and a few minutes later, the waitress brings back the long-awaited dessert.
What’s the problem, you ask? She brings not one spoon. She brings TWO. Or THREE. Or FOUR. Or however many spoons are needed for everyone at the table to have one. One time it was eight-my husband says, “Who in their right mind would share a tiny desert with eight people??” This, my friends, is my husband’s ultimate pet peeve. In his words- the waitress already asked EVERYONE at the table if they wanted dessert, and they all said NO. If they wanted dessert, they should have ordered some! I ordered this dessert for ME!
Now maybe some may see this as selfish, but I get it. If I am asked if I want something, and I say no, I can see why someone would be upset if I suddenly change my mind and decide to take some of theirs. I’ve also seen firsthand when my husband probably started first developing this pet peeve: in high school, after a fun day at Lagoon, we went to Chili’s with a bunch of friends to end the day (yes, we are high school sweethearts ;) ). At the end of the meal, my husband ordered his favorite brownie dessert, and everyone else said they were too full when the waitress asked if anyone would like to order a dessert. Well, when the waitress returned with his dessert and multiple spoons, one of my husband’s friends grabbed a spoon and proceeded to POUND the dessert- no exaggeration, my husband probably took a total of 3 bites and his friend ate the rest! The same friend, who minutes earlier, claimed he was too full for dessert. So really, can my husband be blamed for his absolute abhorrence of extra dessert spoons? ;)
Do you have a food pet peeve? Personally, I can’t stand double dipping. It’s DISGUSTING!! I’m a germaphobe and it drives me nuts when someone takes a bite of their chip or mozzarella stick and then proceeds to dip it in the communal salsa/sauce AGAIN. No friend, just, no. Now I can’t enjoy that communal sauce because your saliva is all over it! It’s just plain gross.
What about you? :)
Camille Hoffmann
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
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