The Most Important Debate of Our Time

Things have been a little tense lately! Riots and protests and debates on whether we should wear masks or not, political conspiracies- it’s all a little heavy!
But in all this difference of opinion, one issue has not come up. We’re not talking about something that is absolutely CRITICAL, the most important debate of our time!!
The Ultimate Debate: Does pineapple belong on pizza?!
There are two camps of people: those who love pineapple on their pizza, and those who absolutely loathe it. It’s like black jelly beans, conversation hearts and candy corn- there is no middle ground; you either love it, or hate it.
If you google pineapple pizza memes, a PLETHORA of options come up. It becomes very clear quite quickly that people have strong feelings on the matter. Here were a few of my favorites:

As you can see- in both camps, there are strong opinions!
I am most definitely on TEAM PINEAPPLE!! But I wasn’t always. Growing up, I don’t really remember having pineapple on pizza. I don’t remember hating it, but I definitely don’t think I ever asked for it on my pizza. Then I met my husband- he’s changed my life for the better in more ways than one ;). His family’s standard pizza is pepperoni, olives- and pineapple. I remember at first thinking that it was an interesting choice of toppings- and now I am totally converted! When we make pizzas together as a couple or when we order one for our little family- we always get pepperoni, olives and pineapple. The perfect combination of sweet and salty!
I now love pineapple on pizza in all its forms. Hawaiian is a basic, delicious staple. But I also love it on just plain pepperoni! I think pineapple can definitely have a place on good ol’ barbecue pizza as well. When my family gets together we make a unique pizza with chicken, pepperoni, jalapenos, a special sauce- and pineapple! While you may not be a fan of pineapple on regular pizza, try some variations, because you may just surprise yourself!
So I’m curious to hear from our readers! Where do you stand on the great pineapple debate? I’d love to hear your opinions!
**Just a note: This is all in good fun. I recognize that there are some serious issues that need to be addressed in the world today, but sometimes for my own mental health, I need to step back and spend time on things a little more light-hearted. We all need to laugh! Hopefully this article gave you a little distraction from the chaos, even if just for a moment :).
Camille Hoffmann
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
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