Move Over Mashed Cauliflower—Here’s a New Kid on the Block!

Mashed potatoes are the standard go-to as a holiday side dish, right? We’re all nuts about ‘em. Like love, you can’t get enough.

But just in case you’re feeling adventurous, or want a healthier alternative to mashed potatoes, you might consider looking beyond mashed cauliflower and give mashed lentils a try. Mashed lentils are definitely the “new kid on the block!”

They’re low in sodium and saturated fat, and high in potassium, fiber, folate, and plant chemicals called polyphenols that have dependable antioxidant activity.

Lentils also contain slow-digesting resistant starch that delays the absorption of carbohydrates with blood sugar-lowering effects, as well as being a source of prebiotics that feeds gut flora to help prevent digestive diseases. Abundant studies show that lentils can lower blood pressure, blood cholesterol, and blood glucose. And the latest research shows lentils can improve cholesterol levels in people with diabetes and may protect against breast cancer.

Food scientists and nutritionists recommend we eat a cup of beans and legumes a day to enjoy the above-mentioned benefits. But for those that aren’t bean-eaters, the lentil (a legume) is a perfect option.

OK, so back to mashing this little guy. Here’s a recipe I found on for mashed lentils that many reviewers said was very similar to garlic mashed potatoes. So simple, yet so good! A great side dish or cracker spread. Be sure to use freshly ground pepper in this, as it makes a big difference in the flavor.

This has become one of our favorite meals, along with broccoli or green beans. I omit the onion and garlic powder in favor of fresh onion and garlic (cooked along with the lentils). One reviewer said she even tossed in dash or two of bread crumbs to make the consistency more like mashed potatoes; just enough to get the lentils a little tacky.

Since messing around with the idea of mashed lentils, I’ve made a couple discoveries: First, I found that they are absolutely scrumptious when a mushroom gravy is poured over them. The flavor combination plus the texture of the mushrooms is a perfect compliment to this mashed legume.

Next, I discovered that mashed and/or pureed lentils are an easy and excellent way to thicken soups! All it takes is a cup or two and you’ll have a delicious broccoli or clam chowder. This was an amazing experiment!

Finally, you’ll love how this simple recipe can save overcooked lentils from languishing in the fridge. (Overcooking lentils is actually very easy to do.)

Seasoned Mashed Lentils

Yield: 1 1/2 cups


1/2 cup dried lentils rinsed and picked over
1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1/4 teaspoon onion powder
1/8 teaspoon garlic powder

1. Place dried lentils, and enough water to cover them, in a small saucepan.

2. Bring to a boil; then reduce heat, cover, and simmer until very soft and well-cooked; stir occasionally, and add water as needed. Remove from heat.

3. Mash lentils with a potato masher or fork; then add olive oil, salt, freshly ground black pepper, onion powder, and garlic powder, and mix well.

4. Cover pan and let sit for about five minutes before serving.

Recipe formatted with the Cook'n Recipe Software from DVO Enterprises.

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    Alice Osborne
    Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2006
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