Salt Water Taffy and Parachutes

When we think of summer treats, we probably think of popsicles, watermelon and slushies galore. But you know what treat makes me think of summertime?
Salt Water Taffy.
I’m sure this association started as a young child, when we would go to the parade and they would toss out salt water taffy. It’s the perfect treat, really- flavorful, won’t shatter when thrown like a lollipop, and won’t melt in the hot sun like a chocolate bar!
But my association has been further developed over time with my family’s 4th of July traditions. For as long as I can remember, my parents always bought fireworks for us to enjoy as a family. Sometimes we did them with cousins, sometimes just as a little individual family unit, but we always had sparklers, pop-its, and a variety of fun little fireworks. The variety has definitely gotten bigger over the years!
I’m not sure exactly when it started, but at one point my parents started buying the fireworks that shoot off little men that then float down in a parachute. While these are certainly fun to watch, my siblings took it to another level and turned it into a competition. Now we weren’t just watching the little parachutes- it became the goal to actually catch them! Because if you did- you got a salt water taffy. Nothing stokes the fire of competition like a sweet prize!
Of course, we make sure the littles safely get one first. And I say safely, because this game has gotten pretty intense over the years. I can neither confirm nor deny if there have been injuries, tears, or bloodshed. I can think of a couple siblings in particular who really got into this game, and I fondly think back to all the fun times with parachutes- and salt water taffy.
Even though I don’t always buy the parachute men for my own kids (they’re not always easy to find!) I always buy salt water taffy for the 4th of July. It’s just tradition! And they really are the perfect snack while watching fireworks :).
Supposedly this delicious candy got its name in a town in New Jersey. The candy shop flooded with sea water, and when a little girl came in asking for taffy, the owner said all he had was “salt water taffy”. Well, the name stuck! Obviously salt water taffy doesn’t just have salt water in it, but it does have salt!
While any brand definitely has tasty flavors, my absolute favorite is Taffy Town. Such a variety of good flavors, and they are all delicious! They also seem to be softer than other brands, but maybe that’s just me.
Whatever brand you can find, enjoy some salt water taffy this year while you enjoy some fireworks!
Camille Hoffmann
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
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