Dan's Gag Pockets
I went on a camping trip called "Trek" last week with the youth in our local church group. There were 70 people in our camp. And, on the last night there, I helped cook 6 Dutch Oven meals.
The recipe called for ground beef, potatoes, carrots, onions, and two cans of cream of mushroom soup. But someone messed up and only packed one can of cream of mushroom soup. So, I pulled out some of Dan's seasonings and went to work.
By the time I was done working my magic and the food was served, everyone RAVED over how good it was! However, it took almost an hour and a half to cook all 6 Dutch Ovens and everyone was starved. So, we went ahead and invited everyone to start eating the salad, french bread, and watermelon while we waited for the Dutch Oven food to finish cooking.
That was a good idea...except that everyone got full on the appetizer and didn't eat as much of the main course as expected. When everything was said and done, there were three Dutch Ovens left!
Since I worked so hard cooking that food, I didn't want it to go to waste. So, I brought it home. I ate on it every day for the next few days but there was still so much left. Kathy said to give it to the chickens but it was just too yummy for that. And, I put too much effort into making it and I didn't want it to go to waste.
We happened to have loads of tortilla shells on hand. So, I came up with the idea to make burritos and freeze them. Kathy reluctantly helped me. But, she didn't want the kids to confuse MY burritos in the freezer with HERS. So, as you can see, in order to avoid confusion, she came up with some creative names for mine...

Dad’s Gag Pockets

Dad’s Burgagos

Dad’s Gaggeritos

Dad’s Beef Gaggos