How to Make Large Batch Breakfast Sandwiches for Busy Mornings

I have always been such a big fan of breakfast sandwiches from places like McDonald’s. They remind me of going out and doing fun things as a child like in the mornings on our way as we’d travel in a big van with 10 of us traveling from Idaho to Houston, Texas to visit my grandparents. Those were the days of the $1 Whopper from Burger King. Do you remember those glorious days? Nowadays, my kids have the same kind of memories with traveling up to visit grandparents and cousins a few states away as well. We also often get them on the mornings we go to the beach or the rare occasion of a theme park like Disneyland. You grow to kind of associate that breakfast sandwich to doing really fun things, so that must make them taste even better!

My kids all love them too and they are such a great meal to eat at home as well. They are great obviously for breakfast, but also are loved by all of us for dinner… well as lunch, brunch, and linner,! They really hit the spot and fill you up with plenty of protein, which I love for my kids. I love giving them a breakfast with plenty of protein, rather than your typical breakfasts with just carbs like cold cereal or warm oatmeal.

There are store-bought ones you can find in any frozen section of the grocery store, but honestly they are pretty expensive and don’t taste that great, if we’re being honest. The only challenge with making them at home is that it is hard, especially if you are trying to make a large batch of them at a time, to make sure all the ingredients stay warm at the same time.

Well not anymore, my friends! Sara from Our Best Bites has making large batches of these breakfast sandwiches down to a science. This recipe calls for Canadian Bacon and you crisp that up at the end on the same sheet pan as your English Muffins. I feel the key to a great breakfast sandwich is the egg layer. Today’s recipe features eggs cracked into a large muffin tin, which turn out almost poached, but in the perfect shape to layer on an English muffin. Of course you can cook your eggs to your desired doneness. She also has a recipe on her blog for the scramble egg version of this if you want to check it out. After everything is cooked and toasted, you will assemble your sandwiches with your English muffin, meat of choice (ie. Canadian bacon, bacon or sausage), egg, and some sliced {American} cheese.

The recipe explains how to make a large batch at a time that you could then individually freeze to have ready for an easy breakfast or dinner for the future. Do you often get these breakfast sandwiches from a fast food place when your family is on the go? What was the lowest price for a hamburger you can remember in your lifetime? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.

Large Batch Egg Breakfast Sandwiches

Breakfast sandwiches are a family favorite but tricky to make lots at a time without cold eggs and lots of dishes! This simplified method is a game-changer, allowing for large quantities all at once!

Serving size: 8
Calories per serving: 9

There are no quantities listed, make as many as you like!  You’ll want equal numbers of each main ingredient listed.
English Muffins
Cheese Slices
Canadian Bacon
Salt and Pepper

1. Preheat oven to 350. Coat each well of a muffin tin (I recommend jumbo) with butter.  Add 1 tablespoon water to each one.  Crack each egg and add 1 egg per muffin cup. Do not salt and pepper (it will wash away with the water!) .  Bake for about 10 minutes, but watch them a few minutes before and after that in order to cook to desired doneness.  Keep in mind the water on top will be discarded- sometimes it makes it look like uncooked egg white on top, when it’s really just water.

2. While eggs are cooking, place buttered English muffin halves face-up on a baking sheet, to one side of the pan and lay out Canadian bacon on the other side.    When eggs come out of the oven, cover with foil and set aside.

3. Place baking sheet under the broiler and watch carefully.  Your Canadian bacon might heat up before the muffins are toasted and you just have to eyeball everything and pull it when it's ready.  When muffins are toasted, place a slice of cheese over half of them and return to oven (with oven off) and door closed so it can melt.

4. Remove from oven, top with an egg.  Sprinkle on some salt and pepper, add Canadian bacon and enjoy.

5. If you have a double-oven, I usually skip the broiler and cook my muffins at 400 degrees at the same time as the eggs for about 10 minutes or until toasty.  I add the Canadian bacon only in the last 2 minutes or so.  Then everything is done at the same time.


Recipe formatted with the Cook'n Recipe Software from DVO Enterprises.

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    Mary Richardson
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